“Help Young Athletes Overcome
Perfectionist Challenges In Sports.”
Help Young Athletes Kick Perfectionism and Fear of Failure!
They’ll Perform More Freely, Feel more Confident, and
Overcome Classic Obstacles that Prevent Them From Meeting Their Potential —in Sports and Life!
From the desk of: Lisa Cohn and Patrick Cohn
Dear Sports Parent or Coach,
Nearly every athlete struggles with some form of perfectionism or fear of failure. In recent weeks I’ve related to you my own son’s struggle with this issue.
Kids who look like stars in practice will often choke up or under perform during games or competition.
Other athletes expect too much of themselves—then get frustrated when they don’t meet their high expectations.
Or they’re extremely hard on themselves. In all cases, this causes young athletes to play it safe. They refuse to take the important risks that help them excel and improve their confidence. Suddenly, they’re held back by fear, indecision, and hesitation.
Sports parents and coaches who contact us are bewildered. They watch kids go through this cycle and feel as if they have no clue about how to help their kids.
In fact, rather than supporting their young athletes’ mental game, they often pour salt in the wound, saying and doing things that cause their kids to freeze up even more and become more frustrated, more tense and less productive in sports.
There’s nothing worse than helplessly watching your young athletes fall into the same negative pattern again and again—without knowing what to do about it! It’s so frustrating to stand by while your physically talented athletes lose confidence, wondering how you can help them!
Then you try your best to help, only to discover you have made the problem worse. Your young athletes pressure themselves more, freeze up even more, lose their effectiveness and become more frustrated. They may even blame you for making them feel more pressured.
Help Your Young Athletes Succeed!
Now, you can learn how to help young athletes overcome the difficult cycle of perfectionism, fear of failure and loss of confidence. You can stop guessing about what to do and say to your athlete!
As an active sports mom and parenting author, I’ve asked my brother, a sports psychology expert who had helped his students with these same challenges for over 15 years, to help me develop a program for young athletes.
Our program: “Sports Parents’ Top Dilemma: Helping Young Athletes Kick Perfectionism and Fear of Failure,” will walk you through the problem and arm you with practical solutions you can start implementing today.
You’ll start seeing changes in your young athlete’s confidence almost immediately.
Who We Are
The authors and producers of this program are a brother-sister team, Dr. Patrick Cohn, a sports psychology expert to pro athletes, and me, Lisa Cohn, a writer.
- I’m an award-winning parenting writer and author whose stories have appeared in the Christian Science Monitor, Mothering, Parenting, and other publications.
- Most recently Patrick and I have contributed to ESPN Magazine’s new ESPN@Play and the new Kids’ Sports and Fitness Magazine.
- I have been quoted about parenting by the New York Times, Associated Press and Time Magazine. I have coached youth soccer and am a sports mom and sports stepmom to four young athletes (with one more on the way).
- I played three sports as a student at Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn.
- As an active sports mom, I have seen many athletes struggle with “mental game” issues like perfectionism and fear of failure—including my own kids.
For many years I impeached my brother, Patrick, a sports-psychology expert, to partner with me to help the parents of these kids—and the young athletes themselves. It seemed fitting to apply sound sports psychology principles to youth sports. Finally, I got my brother on board.
As a dedicated “mental game” expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn has researched and worked with thousands of elite athletes for nearly two decades. Over this time period, he has compiled an impressive list of accomplishments and credentials, including:
- Working for more than 15 years with some of the top athletes in the world– including PGA Tour winners and NASCAR winners– on techniques that improve confidence, focus, and composure for sports.
- Interviewing many top athletes in the world, including Thurman Thomas, Michelle Akers, Ernie Els, Mario Andretti, and Helen Alfredsson to uncover the strategies, techniques and skills that keep these professional athletes at the pinnacle of performance.
- Authoring and producing an extensive library of sports psychology books, videos, audio programs and training seminars (visit the PeakSports.com proshop or seminar page for details).
- Earning a Ph.D. in Sports Psychology from the University of Virginia, having published more articles than any other student in the field at the time.
- Owning and operating the leading mental training web site with hundreds of members reaping the rewards of mental game coaching.
What Sports Parents Have to Say About Our Work to Date:
“Loved Your E-book”
“I loved your e-book for sports parents. It was very helpful. I am already using the ideas you gave us in the e-book to help my child in sports.”*
~Claire, Sports Parent
“Applied Your Tips – Got a Fast Response”
“My wife and I immediately applied your tips and luckily we got a fast response. Our 16-year-old daughter reads like a case study for lack of confidence. She matches the profile your e-book describes: high technical ability and successful in soccer practice but looks like she forgets how to play in games!”*
~Glenn G. New Jersey
“We Are Grateful We Found You”
“We really enjoy your emails and are grateful that we found your website. It is so needed. There really isn’t much out there to guide the parent. Thank you for your work. And yes, we have passed on your website to numerous parents.”*
~Debbie and Peter C.
“Your Information Had Been So Helpful”
“After listening to a couple of your podcasts and reading your “10 tips to confidence in youth sports,” most of the challenges you make note of apply to my 14-year-old son. He’s got all the physical ability, but the more mistakes he makes, the worse it seems to get. So reading and listening to your information has been so helpful and validates what I have observed in him for the past few months. Thank you so much!”*
~Brenda Felder, Everett, WA
“He Busted Loose for a Career Game”
“I use your tips to help a sophomore high school student athlete. Last night, after I gave him some of your email tips – relax, get in the flow of the game, have fun, play by instinct, etc. – He busted loose for a career high 20 points and 15 rebounds!”*
~Bob Heidkamp
“Invaluable Information for Coaches”
“I will share your website with many others! I’m anxious to read more on your blog page and website. The information you are providing is invaluable to coaches and parents. People need to be aware and stop this sports epidemic so children receive good from sports instead of the negative consequences that perfectionism can create.”*
~Sports Parent
Combining our many years’ experience in sports psychology, parenting, coaching, and sports parenting, we’ve identified perfectionism and fear of failure as the Number One challenge for sports parents and their young athletes.
Our program is….
“Sports Parents’ Top Dilemma: Helping Young
Athletes Kick Perfectionism and Fear of Failure”

Program Cost: $97.00
Or Read More Below…
Makes your role as sports parent more enjoyable and easier! We tell you how to help your young athletes:
- Let go of mistakes more quickly
- Accept feedback better
- Stop criticizing themselves
- Perform more freely
- Think more creatively
- Stop worrying about what others’ think
- Dramatically improve their performance and attitude in sports
- Improve their confidence in sports
- They, too, will have more fun and reap more rewards.
Benefits Outside Sports, Too
Once you start using this program, you’ll find that your young athletes benefit in areas outside of sports—in school, music, art and how they relate to friends, for example.
The truth is, when kids are perfectionists in sports, they’re often perfectionists in other areas of their lives. This can affect how they take tests (they often freeze up), how freely they perform in music or art, or how they accept criticism from friends, teachers and parents.
Once they’ve got a handle on fear of failure and perfectionism in sports, you’ll find that they’ll likely:
- Feel freer to be creative in school and extra-curricular activities
- Take more risks that benefit them
- Spend less time avoiding mistakes
- Feel less defensive in general
- Feel more open to criticism
Help Your Young Athlete by
Applying Our Program Today!
You can learn all the secrets to helping young athletes kick perfectionism and fear of failure, beginning today! This program is guaranteed to give you and your sports kids instant results.
“Sports Parents’ Top Dilemma: Helping Young Athletes Kick Perfectionism and Fear of Failure,” consists of two parts:
- A 23-page e-book that identifies the challenge, explains why it is harmful to young athletes (but also very common), and gives in-depth, step-by-step “sports psychology” tips for helping kids. Download this instantly!
- A 21-page kids’ sports psychology workbook that is intended to help your kids identify beliefs and expectations that are the root of perfectionism. It will also help them develop strategies to play more freely with less fear in competition.
What is the Cost?
The price current special price is $118. The actual value of this program is more than $200 with bonuses – see below!
Bonus #1: An audio interview with Dr. Patrick Cohn that explains why perfectionism and fear of failure are your Number One challenge—and what you can do about them. Download this instantly and listen to it in your car, or while you’re on the go! (Free bonus value – $30.00)
Bonus #2: An important checklist explaining how you as sports parents should prepare your sports kids for games or competition—including how to deal with kids’ perfectionism, fear of failure and tendency to be so hard on themselves. Instant download! (Free bonus value – $20.00)
Bonus #3: A recorded teleclass with Dr. Patrick Cohn and Lisa Cohn during which we answered questions about how to help kids overcome perfectionism and fear of failure. (Free bonus value – $30.00)*
Bonus #1: An audio interview with Dr. Patrick Cohn that explains why perfectionism and fear of failure are your Number One challenge—and what you can do about them. Download this instantly and listen to it in your car, or while you’re on the go! (Free bonus value – $30.00)
Bonus #2: An important checklist explaining how you as sports parents should prepare your sports kids for games or competition—including how to deal with kids’ perfectionism, fear of failure and tendency to be so hard on themselves. Instant download! (Free bonus value – $20.00)
100%, No-Questions-Asked 30-Day
Money-Back Guarantee AND
You Keep the Bonuses Too!
If you’re not completely satisfied with this product, we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you feel we fell short in helping your young athletes cope with perfectionism and fear of failure, we’ll be happy to give you a complete refund.
What’s more, you get to keep the bonuses!

Program Cost: $97.00
Or call 888-742-7225
Don’t let your sports kids continue to get choked up by mistakes or to feel criticized by teammates or coaches for “playing scared.” Give them an edge in sports and free them to perform their best!
Patrick Cohn and Lisa Cohn
@The Ultimate Sports Parent
P.S. Remember that you can download the live teleconference recording too. And you can buy this program for the low price of $97.00. Contact us now to unlock the secrets to helping your sports kids play with more confidence, success, creativity and freedom.
*Testimonials found on this site are examples of what we have done for other clients, and what some of our clients have said about us. However, we cannot guarantee the results in any case. Your results may vary and every situation is different. No compensation was provided for these testimonials.