How to Overcome the Putting and Chipping Yips

Discover How To Break The Yips Cycle And Putt and Chip Freely

Proven Video and Workbook Program Helps Golfers Overcome the Yips and Enjoy Golf

Dear Golfer:

I know you are frustrated with your putting, chipping, or pitching and have considered giving up the game you once loved to play. But before you make that decision, read what I have to say about how I help golfers overcome the yips….

Over the last 10 years, golfers have told me many stories about the yips and how painful or embarrassing it can be…

Here’s a sample of what golfers say about this problem…

  • “When on the practice green my putting is great, but on the course I can’t make a three-foot putt!
  • My hands shake so bad that I worry about accidentally hitting the ball. When I do try to make a stroke, I barely nudge the ball a few inches, double hit it, or whack it three-feet by the hole.”
  • I used to consider myself one of the best putters and was extremely good under high pressure. No more… It’s very frustrating!”
  • “When I really need a good chip to salvage a hole, I tense up, my swing speed increases and I look up to see the result. My handicap has drifted from 9 to 13 in the last ten years.”
  • “I feel the yips is strongly related to performance anxiety when I especially want to play well with people I like or want to show I can play well.”
  • “At top of my back swing and something weird happens. It’s like time freezes for a second and I don’t know what to do. I swing too hard and hit shots I never dreamed could be so bad.”
  • “I have been getting progressively worse, no matter what I try. Last Sunday, I carded an 88 with 41 putts and missed everything inside of 5 feet unless it was a tap-in.”

These golfers with the yips suffer from:

  • Inability to swing the club freely on the course (despite the fact they can in practice)
  • Anxiety, tension, and over control of the stroke or swing
  • Super low confidence with bad strokes
  • Performance anxiety about what others will think
  • Feeling like an alien has taken over their body and they have no control

If you can putt or chip well on the practice green, but can’t take it to the course, this is a mental game issue and not a physical challenge. Now, the yips might feel like it’s physical when you stab, jab, or flinch at impact, but if you can putt or chip freely in practice, but tense up on the course, then it’s mental and not physical!

And drinking alcohol before the round or singing while you swing is not the answer…


After working with golfers for over 10 years on the yips, I developed a model of what keeps golfers stuck in the yips… No matter if you have the putting, chipping, or pitching yips, you have to attack the cycle at every stage. Here is the model:

The Yips Cycle

The Yips Cycle is a vicious cycle that causes you to stay trapped…

From fear of missing to over control to feeling embarrassed, everyone I shared this with agreed with my philosophy about this problem:

  • The cycle comes and goes for some of you where you can improve, but it returns mysteriously;
  • The cycle is all about anxiety and fear of missing and the aftermath of missing;
  • The cycle includes massive frustration that spills over into a golfer’s life;
  • The cycle makes it hard to regain any confidence in your putting or chipping.

This is what John had to say about one of my putting tips:

“I used your ideas about throwing golf balls at the hole, closing my eyes, and opening and closing my eyes, etc. The best tip that worked for me while I played 18 holes was NOT focusing on the club head or ball, but putting to the target/hole and line only in my mind.”*

Golfers such as Tommy Armour and many others has conceded to this problem. I’m also sure you heard about Simone Biles and her twisties at the Olympics. These mental block as not a neurological condition as many people think. Mental health of golfers is not more important than ever.

The first place to begin to break the Yips Cycle is to admit that the its a mental issue. Stabbing or flinching at impact are symptoms of bigger issues: fear and over control. Changing your grip, putter, swing, club, or routine are only temporary Band-Aids to a mental game issue.

The next step is to learn how to free-up your putting, chipping, or pitching by understanding how to trust in your skills and return to an intuitive mindset when you execute a golf shot.

Another important an necessary step in breaking the yips cycle is to address the REAL source of the fear that causes you to be afraid of hitting a simple three-foot putt–as if its life or death!

So how do you really know you have the yips?

The most apparent sign: You putt or chip well on the practice tee or green, but feel tense, flinch, stab, or freeze when you compete or just play golf with others on the course.

Or you probably have the yips if:

  • You dread hitting a short putt (two to three feet) and miss the hole badly.
  • You blade your chip over the green from a simple lie—when this rarely happens in practice.
  • You dread having to hit a 50-yard pitch because you’ve missed the green so many times.
  • You freeze over the ball or can’t take the club back.
  • You jab, stab, or flinch at the ball at impact.
  • You fear that you will embarrass yourself for missing a two-foot putt or easy chip.
  • You think others judge you as a golfer when you miss short putts or easy chips.
  • You can’t stop thinking about past misses.

Putting problems can take all the fun out of your golf game and the hard work you put into it. If you’ve had the yips for years, all this suffering is really unnecessary.

Having helped my golf students overcome the yips, you too can discover how to free up your stroke on the course and enjoy golf again!

What Are My Credentials?

As a dedicated golf psychology expert for the last 25 years, I have researched and worked with thousands of elite athletes including top junior, collegiate, and tour pro golfers. Over this time, I have compiled an impressive list of accomplishments and credentials such as:

  •  Working with some of the top golfers in the world including Junior, Collegiate, and PGA Tour winners on techniques to improve confidence, focus, and composure for golf – over 20 years.
  • Interviewing many top athletes in the world including Ernie Els, John Houston, Steve Lowery, and Helen Alfredsson to uncover the strategies, techniques and skills that keep these professional golfers at the pinnacle of performance.
  • Authoring and producing an extensive library of golf psychology books, videos, audio programs and training seminars. I wrote The Mental Game of Golf, The Mental Art of Putting, Peak Performance Golf, Going Low, and The Golfer’s Mental Edge CD and Workbook program.
  • Earning a Ph.D. in Sports Psychology from the University of Virginia under Golf Psychology expert Bob Rotella and having published more journal articles than any other students at the time.
  • Owning and operating the world’s leading mental training web site with over 25,000 readers and hundreds of current members who are reaping the rewards mental game coaching brings to their performance.

My philosophy is to teach proven and applied mental game strategies–the same ones I’ve used to help other golfers putt and chip freely again. You will not find any overnight fixes or solutions–only practical strategies to help you get beyond the fear and over control of the yips cycle.

No Psychobabble and no fluff! Just simple mental game strategies to help you free up your game and enjoy golf again!

Real Golfers I’ve Helped

“A Round Where My Chips Were 100% Yip Free”

“When I got on the course, it was like I couldn’t control my own body… When I would go to pull the trigger, some demon would take over. It was happening for about three years and kept getting worse and worse. I worked through it [with Dr.  Cohn] where the fear is pretty much gone. I had a round recently where my chips were 100% yip-free. But I feel like I have more confidence now. I feel like I control my body now.”*

Watch the video below and listen to Mike’s success story below:

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I Have Found Almost Instantaneous Success

“I am a single digit handicap who has battled the yips for some time. As soon as I spent the money for Dr. Cohn’s program I had buyers remorse. The good news is that drove me to use the program right away. Everything he spoke of was me. As I applied his methods I have found almost instantaneous success. I don’t think the yips will ever be gone, but I know exactly what’s going on and how to handle it. I recently shot even par to be medalist in a state qualifier (I missed too shorties to boot), but I just kept playing and my free strokes far outnumbered my bad ones. Thank you for giving me the tools I need to face my demons. I could not recommend his program more highly!”*
~Alex Davis

“Drills Improved My Rhythm and Putting Success”

“Two of your drills have been especially helpful: Eyes closed the eyes open and the tap in drill. I have only been able to make short putts for some time with my eyes closed and have been very effective with that. Both drills have improved my overall rhythm and putting success. Only used your drill sequence for one practice session so will step up the routine to 7 days in a row.”*
~Trevor Morgan

“I Have Broken Out of The Yips with Short Putts”

“I wanted to tell you I have broken out of the yips short putt issues. I have won 2 of the last 3 competitions. Right now my putting confidence is sky high. I HAD the putt yips for past 6 years. I contribute the success to two of your drills. First focus hard on the hole, forget about all else. It took awhile to get the 100% focus, but I could see the results coming. Then your advice “Let go and trust your ability.” Immediate result. Wow what a relief. Having putted for so long under yip pressure, I now feel I can be put under extreme pressure to win the club championship. I now look forward to short putts.”*
~Ian Dodd

“Your Drills Made Sense to Me”

“I was pleased to find your website and tips to address the mental issues with the yips. Your drills made sense to me. Other people only tackled technique. That isn’t the problem with me as I can stroke them all nicely on the practice putting green. I can even hit the long ones on the course. I will keep working at it and thank you for your interest.”*
~Pat Collins

“You Know What The Yips Are”

“I’ve read so many teachings regarding the yips, and you’re right on. I’ve read articles from top 10 teachers who have supposed cures for the yips, and realize, they don’t even know what the yips are… You know what they are, and I believe you know how to cure them. Thank you for your newsletters.”*

The best part is that you too, can tap into my expertise and experience I’ve learned from helping other golfers’ with the putting, chipping, and full-swing yips – so you can take your practice performance to the course or in tournaments!

Learn to Putt, Chip, and Pitch Freely Again With My Proven Video and Workbook Program…

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“Breaking The Yips Cycle” Program:
How To Putt, Chip, and Pitch Freely & Enjoy Golf Again”

I share with your everything I know about how to get over the yips… Including how to enjoy golf again by changing the reasons you play golf!

Who Should Purchase “Breaking The Yips Cycle”?

Breaking The Yips Cycle Video and Workbook program is ideal for any amateur, collegiate, junior, and tour professional golfer.

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Golf coaches and instructors would also be wise to teach “Breaking The Yips Cycle” principles to their players who struggle with tension in their swing or the full-blown putting issues. This program is perfect for any golfer who wants to improve performance by swinging freely again…

  • Golfers: Learn how to overcome the fear that keeps you stuck in a vicious cycle.
  • Instructors: Learn how to give your students the mental game edge.
  • Coaches: Help your team members play with freedom instead of fear or tension.

What’s Included In “Breaking The Yips Cycle” Program?

Breaking The Yips Cycle” is a complete brain dump of the TOP NINE mental training sessions I do with my personal coaching students to help them play with freedom again.

The Video and Workbook Program Includes:

  • Two DVDs (DVD purchase only). 120 minutes of mental training sessions to help you gain greater freedom, focus on the right performance cues, and simplify your preshot routines (DVDs value = $400).
  • MP4 videos (Digital Download). 120 minutes of mental training sessions you can download to your computer right away while you wait for the DVDs and workbook to arrive. (MP4 video value = $149).
  • MP3 audio recordings of each video session that you can download to your iPod or computer immediately while you wait for the DVDs and workbook to arrive (audio recordings value: $150).
  • A 9-Session Breaking The Yips Cycle Workbook to guide you through my mental game sessions and to overcome the putting, chipping, or pitching yips (Workbook value: $149.00).
  • Practice drills for putting, chipping, and pitching to help you improve touch, free up your stroke and stop focusing on mechanics when you play.

9 Sessions on DVD or Download:

  • Session 1: Managing Your Expectations that Get in the Way
  • Session 2: How to Focus on the Process
  • Session 3: Improving Freedom and Playing Intuitive Golf
  • Session 4: Regaining Confidence in Your Game
  • Session 5: Playing Golf for the Right Reasons
  • Session 6: Overcoming Social Approval and Other Fears
  • Session 7: Your Self-Esteem and Golf Performance
  • Session 8: Simplifying Your Preshot Routine
  • Session 9: Practice Drills to Free Up Your Stroke
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FREE Bonus Package – Included!

1. Drive for Success Goal Monitor Program

Set goals just like a pro with our goal monitor program—Drive for Success for Golfers! “Drive for Success” is a comprehensive goal setting and monitoring program designed specifically for golfers. You’ll identify objectives and set goals to improve your performance, set appropriate goals to keep you motivated, and monitor and track your process with my goal tracking program.

Drive for Success Value: $50.00.

2. Great Putting – Right Now Audio (Script on PDF)

Learn how to take a positive mindset to the course and putt your best. An original best-seller audio program for Peak Performance Sports, you’ll learn the ingredients of a great attitude for putting.

Great Putting – Right Now Value: $15

3. Post-Round Assessment (PDF)

A short one-page assessment to help you examine your mental game – related to the yips cycle. You’ll use this assessment to continue to tweak and monitor your mental game performance on the course so you can improve your mental game for the next round.

Post-Round Assessment Value: $40.00.

4. Action Plan Review Document (PDF)

We’ve provided your session summary action plans (at the end of each session) in one convenient document for you to print, take with your, and review prior to playing. This document help remind you of the important lessons to practice and apply to the golf course each week.

Post-Round Assessment Value: $20.00.

The total VALUE of this Bonus Package: $125.00!

“What’s the Price?”

Breaking the Yips Cycle” Video and Workbook program is the most comprehensive program I’ve offered to the public. I’m virtually giving away all my mental game secrets for the introductory price of only $349.00 US including the bonuses! These are the same sessions that would cost over $1100 if you work one one one with me.

If you order the digital download the program is only $299–You save $50 plus no shipping charges and you can download the program right away (Note that the download package is 950 megabytes so it will take a few minutes). And the digital download is the same material as the DVDs. I think the videos are better in this format because they are not compressed when we transfer to the DVDs. The digital download videos are 720p MP4s.

Of course, I’m happy if you enroll in my one-on-one mental coaching program! However, my one-on-one personal coaching program costs almost 4X the money for three months!

Video and Workbook Program – Purchase Your Program Today…

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Two Easy Methods to Order

  1. The easiest and most efficient way is to place your order online today.  Click Here to Order Digital OR Click Here to Have The DVD & Workbook Shipped To You
  2. Call us toll free 888-742-7225 and place your order with a valid credit card. Have your email, address, phone number, and credit card handy.

Thank you for taking the time to read about “Breaking The Yips Cycle” – an excellent option to help you swing and putt freely again on the course. Please contact me if you have any questions about my program!


Sports Psychology Expert, Dr. Cohn

Patrick J. Cohn, Ph.D.
Master Mental Game Coach

Peak Performance Sports, LLC
Instilling Confidence for a Competitive Edge |
Toll Free: 888-742-7225

P.S. You can learn the same mental game strategies I teach my one-on-one coaching students for a fraction of the price. What would it be worth to you to putt or chip freely again without buying another putter or changing grips?

Click here to orderBreaking The Yips Cycle” – and learn how to enjoy golf again!


*Testimonials found on this site are examples of what we have done for other clients, and what some of our clients have said about us. However, we cannot guarantee the results in any case. Your results may vary and every situation is different. No compensation was provided for these testimonials.