Instilling Confidence in Baseball And Softball Players

“Seven Days of Proven Confidence-Boosting
Strategies Guaranteed To Drastically Build Self-Confidence, Improve Sports Performance, and Stop Players’ Self-Doubt Instantly!”

“Discover A Step-By-Step System That Helps Your Players Get Confidence-On-Demand, Overcome Doubt, and Stay Confident After Making Errors.”

From the Desk of Dr. Patrick Cohn

Dear Coach:

Confidence, more than any other mental game attribute, is vital for your team’s success. If your players have it and know how to keep it, they maximize their success.

And I’ve always said that confidence is a cure-all for other mental game ailments. With high confidence, your players don’t get scared or anxious, rebound faster after mistakes, and have great trust in their skills!

Your team cannot reach their full potential unless each player can harness the power of stable and enduring self-confidence–so your team can perform as a confident team.

Your players might possess a ton of physical talent, have great coaching, and train harder or practice more than anyone else in your league, but if they do not have the self-confidence to match, your team can’t utilize this talent.

Have you seen any of these common confidence killers with your ball players? Do your players…

  1. Lack full belief because they can never perform up to their super strict expectations?
  2. Have crippling self-doubt about their ability at the wrong time during games?
  3. Worry or panic when their performance in warm-up is not up to their personal standards?
  4. Make comparisons to other players or the opposing team and suddenly feel inferior?
  5. Lose confidence quickly after making errors or striking out and have the look of defeat early in the game?
  6. Wait until they need to make a good play on defense or get a first hit before they can feel confident?
  7. Lose confidence in their ability after taking constructive criticism from you or another coach?

Having helped athletes overcome every one of these problems, coach, you can now discover a unique solution to these confidence-busters for baseball and softball players today…

We’re releasing a program to help you teach your players to have unwavering self-confidence…

Your new “secret weapon” is…

“Instilling Confidence for Baseball and
Softball Players: A 7-Day Plan for Coaches”
CD and Manual Program.

Baseball and Softball Confidence

Rocket Your Team’s Confidence–
in Just 7 Short Team Sessions!

Discover how to help your team have PROACTIVE confidence instead of REACTIVE confidence. With our program, you’ll learn…

  • How to teach your players to prepare to feel confident prior to the game.
  • The secret to stable, long-lasting confidence in baseball or softball and how your players can keep supreme levels of confidence all the time.
  • How to help your players identify and overcome expectations that crimp their confidence when not immediately attained.
  • How to teach your players to quickly identify and remove self-doubts that suck the life out of their confidence.
  • How to help your players tap into their personal sources of confidence instead of guessing that makes each player feel confident before a game.
  • How your players can take control of their confidence prior to games instead of waiting for positive results before they can feel confident.
  • How removing this one mental game barrier can unlock your players’ stifled confidence.

Stable, enduring self-confidence will not only help your team perform their best in competition, it will improve other aspects of their life, such as school, work, and relationships!

About the Authors And Mental Game Experts

Dr. Patrick Cohn, Master Mental Game Coach

As a dedicated mental game coach, and sports psychology expert, I have studied, researched, and worked with 1000s of athletes for nearly two decades. Over the course of my twenty-some years working I’ve accrued an impressive list of accomplishments and credentials such as:

  •  Working with some of the top athletes in the world including Professional Baseball Players, PGA Tour winners, and NASCAR winners on techniques to improve confidence, focus, and composure for sports.
  •  Interviewing many top athletes and coaches in the world including Ernie Els, Mario Andretti, and Thurman Thomas to uncover the strategies, techniques and skills that keep these professional athletes at the pinnacle of performance.
  •  Authoring and producing an extensive library of sports psychology books, videos, audio programs and training seminars. Visit our sports psychology proshop for more details.
  •  Earning a Ph.D. in Sports Psychology from the University of Virginia having published more articles than any other students at the time.
  • Owner of Baseball Mental Game Tips website where I share mental game tips, articles, and videos for baseball and softball players and coaches.

Jen Croneberger, MGCP, Softball Coach

Jen is currently the Head Softball Coach at Ursinus College and has also worked with Fordham, Drexel, and Rutgers softball programs as well as some of the top travel softball teams in the region. She’s worked in the trenches with softball players of all levels…

  •  Jen spent four years as head varsity Softball coach at Unionville High School.
  •  She was the Mental Game Coach for the (NPF) Women’s Professional Softball team, The Philadelphia Force in 2009.
  •  Jen is the Founder and CEO of Excellence Training Camps, Inc. where her team trains top level softball players from around the country.
  •  She is completed a Master’s degree at the University of the Rockies in Sports and Human Performance Psychology.

What You’ll Impart To Your Players

Today, professional and amateur athletes from all over the world pay me huge sums to help them improve performance because they recognize the power of mental game coaching and what it can bring to their game.

Our mental training system uses real-life tested mental game strategies that build confidence easily–and quickly uncover the mindsets that breakdown and destroy confidence.

We want you to tap into our 40 plus combined years of knowledge and mental game experience so you can teach your players how to “intimidate” the competition with superior levels of self-confidence!

With Your Help, Team Members Will Learn:

  • What shakes their confidence and the solution to rebuild or regain confidence.
  • How to take full responsibility for their confidence level prior to games.
  • How their own beliefs and expectations can undercut their confidence before they even take the field.
  • How to support their teammates confidence for a team confidence effect.
  • How to manage their self-doubt before it crushes their self-confidence.

What Students and Customers
Say About Dr. Cohn’s Programs

“My son made all district player…”

“A quick note to let you know how effective your programs worked for my son who is 17 and plays varsity baseball in VA. In late 2009, I ordered the Relaxed Athlete program for my son because I saw he was pressing too hard at the plate and had disappointing results for the 2009 season. Thanks to your programs, my son now has a completely new approach to the game of baseball (and school) and it’s more fun for him now. He made all-district player at his position and hit .443 this season.  A complete 180 degree turn around from last year.”*
~Mark M., sports parents

“A systematic approach to the mental game…”

“Dr. Cohn has put together a program that has enabled myself and our players to approach the mental game in a systematic way that is easy to use and apply. Our awareness level has greatly increased.”*
~Marty Hunter, Head Baseball Coach George Fox University

“Take performance to a higher level…”

“The mental aspects definitely separates the great performers from the unsuccessful ones. Dr. Cohn’s programs can help athletes improve the mental aspect and take performances to a higher and more consistent level.”*
~Rick Hall, Baseball Coach, Daytona Beach C.C.

“Helps hundreds of youngsters…”

“As a college softball coach I experience great pleasure in helping youth league coaches develop their young players. As reversal of that process, I, as the student, look to experts like yourself to give me the “mechanics” of sports psychology so that I may better impart my knowledge to the players and coaches. Your contribution spreads like wildfire and helps hundreds of youngsters as well as us “oldies.” Thanks for your contribution–it means a lot.”*
~Tom Moore, College Softball Coach

“Implemented your teaching right away…”

“Thank you very much for taking the time to speak with our team.  It was greatly appreciated and really helped a lot.  I found myself implementing your teachings in our first practice right after you left.  I really enjoyed the way you implemented already known ideas, but gave us a different way of viewing it.  Thank you.”*
~Amber Prosser, Clark College Softball

Help Your Players Take Control of Their
Confidence Instead of Waiting for Success!

How would your team perform if they stepped onto the diamond with complete conviction in their ability, unwavering confidence, and an intimidating presence?

You can learn how to teach your team to have unshakable self-confidence (practice and drilling are not the only methods to develop confidence). It’s not hard or impossible to achieve. I help athletes reach their goals everyday and you too can learn the same strategies I teach to my students who pay me well over $1400 per day for personal one-on-one coaching.

Give Your Team The Vital
Link to Success Today!

Baseball and Softball Confidence

“Instilling Confidence in Baseball and Softball Players” program consists of one 72-minute audio CD that includes 7 days of confidence-fueling exercises.

You’ll also receive a simple-to-follow 74-page coaches’ manual that guides you through the 7 team session you’ll conduct.

We’ve also included the top confidence-building exercises on athletes’ worksheets. You’ll copy these for your team members, which help your players understand and apply what they’ll learn in the team sessions.

Each Session Includes 8 Sections…

  1. Warm up–An introduction to prepare you for the daily tasks and lessons to follow.
  2. Session Objective–The outcome you want to achieve with your players.
  3. Mental Game Roadblock–A specific roadblock to confidence you want to solve during that session.
  4. Locker Room Talk–Quotes about confidence from pro athletes and other famous people.
  5. Mental Training Lesson–We explain the daily lesson you should teach the members of your team and highlight what to expect and offer examples.
  6. Worksheet Exercises–The daily confidence exercise you’ll share with your players and ask them to complete.
  7. Action Plan for Coaches–A summary of the steps to take and the specific outcomes you want to achieve each day.
  8. Team Discussion Questions–Questions you can ask your team to help spark a team discussion about the daily lesson.

Wait! That’s Not All…


You’ll Immediately download over $150 worth of FREE bonuses after you complete your order. You get all these bonuses for just trying our program! Keep the bonuses even if you choose to return the program for a full refund.

 Special Bonus 1 – Interview with Leland Maddox (20 minutes)

Leland Maddox, special assistant to GM/professional scout for the Cincinnati Reds, discusses the importance of the mental game when scouting for prospective baseball players. Learn what sets professional baseball players apart from others in terms of their mental game (a $25 value).

 Special Bonus 2 – Interview with Megan Gibson (23 minutes)

Dr. Cohn and Jen Croneberger interview pro softball player and coach Megan Gibson. Megan discusses why the game of softball is 90% mental and 10% physical and why players must have confidence to be successful (a $25 value).

 Special Bonus 3 – Taking CP Audio Program for Players (MP3 Program)

Help your players “warm up” their confidence before the start of each game. Use this audio program to help your players take CP. This means they will warm up their confidence prior to the game by reviewing why they deserve to feel confident and what makes they feel confident individually (a $20 value).

 Special Bonus 4 – The Confidence-Expectations Connection (E-book)

As your players practice more and achieve greater success, expectations can also elevate to the point of harming their confidence. If they don’t reach their own expectations, confidence can take a blow especially when they begin to have self-doubt. Print this e-book to help your players understand the relationship between confidence and expectations (a $30 value).

 Special Bonus 5 – Interview with Bob Tewksbury (31 minutes)

Dr. Cohn interviews Bob Tewksbury who spent 13 seasons as a big league pitcher, compiling a career record of 110-102 with six teams. Today, as a sports psychology coach, he helps the Red Sox players in the minors improve their mental game toughness and pitching routines. Listen to his approach to the mental game of baseball as a big league pitcher and now as a mental game coach (a $25 value).

 Special Bonus 6 – Mental Toughness Manual by Dr. Tom Hanson (E-book)

Baseball is a game of adversity. If you didn’t just fail, you are about to. Dr. Tom Hanson, author of Heads Up Baseball, gives you his program designed to help you thrive on adversity, stay focused and be the player you want to be regardless of your circumstances. A great addition to “Instilling Confidence in Baseball and Softball Players,” Dr. Hanson shares the top mental game strategies to help ball players take their game to the next level by being more focused (a value of: priceless).

How Much is the Program Dr. Cohn?

Our program retails at $79.00 plus shipping. For the cost of a new baseball glove, your team members can enjoy higher confidence. AND you’ll learn the key mental skills that help you impart self-confidence instead of take it away.

100% Money-Back Guarantee

I stand by my work and reputation as a leading mental game coach and professional. Years of research, experience, and work goes into every program we release. If you are not completely satisfied with “Instilling Confidence in Baseball and Softball Players” program, you can return the CD and manual (within 30 days) for a full refund, no questions asked!

If you choose to return the program for any reason, you can keep the special bonuses–as a gift from us for trying the program!

I’m happy to work with your team in person, but most teams can’t afford my fees of $2500 and up for a live seminar. Instead, get our program today and we’ll teach you how to conduct your own team confidence workshop for a fraction of the price!

Two Easy Methods to Place Your Risk-Free Order

  1. The easiest and most efficient way is to place your order online today and download your 6 bonuses seconds after you complete your order. Click Here to Order Now.
  2. Call toll free 888-742-7225 and place your order with a valid credit card. Have your email, address, phone number, and credit card handy.
Baseball and Softball Confidence

Give Me Just the Facts, Dr. Cohn

Here’s What You’ll Receive in the Program…

  •  72-minute training CD for coaches that walks you through seven short sessions you’ll conduct with your team to boost and maintain their confidence.
  •  A 74-page coaches’ manual that corresponds to the CD program, which helps you walk your players through each of the worksheet exercise…
  •  16 worksheet exercises that you’ll print for your team members. Your players will complete 1-3 confidence-boosting exercises each day of the 7-day program.
  •  Over $150 in FREE bonus programs — yours to keep for just trying the program!

Thank you very much for spending the time to read about “Instilling Confidence in Baseball and Softball Players.” It’s possibly the best investment you’ll ever make to help your athletes perform with more confidence, maintain unflappable confidence, and stay confident after making errors that unsettle confidence.


Sports Psychology Expert, Dr. Cohn

Patrick J. Cohn, Ph.D.
Master Mental Game Coach

Peak Performance Sports, LLC


*Testimonials found on this site are examples of what we have done for other clients, and what some of our clients have said about us. However, we cannot guarantee the results in any case. Your results may vary and every situation is different. No compensation was provided for these testimonials.