Discover Mental Game Skills That Junior, Collegiate, And Tour Professionals Use To WIN!
Learn How to Think Like the Pros with The Golfer’s Mental Edge 2.0!

Audio Introduction by Dr. Patrick Cohn
Hi Golfer or Golf Coach:
You most likely found my page because you understand how powerful a strong mental game is to your performance and fun on the course. Too often, I hear golfers say things such as…
- “I can’t have fun because I never play up to my expectations.”
- “I get too frustrated with hitting bad shots and it snowballs.”
- “When I hit bad shots I lose confidence so quickly.”
- “My swing feels so tight and controlled on the course.”
- “I start playing well and then I play too defensively and give it all back.”
These golfers suffer from…
- Playing with strict or high expectations that undermine confidence
- Lack of emotional control or composure if not playing well
- Fragile self-confidence after miss hits
- Inability to play freely and relaxed on the course
- And being held back from shooting low score by their “comfort zone”
What’s the big sign that your mental game is the weak link in your golf game? When you can’t play consistently as well as when you play a practice or casual round–or your range game is way better than your game on the course!
If you suffer from lack of focus, low self-confidence, poor composure or other mental game obstacles on the course, you can’t reach your true potential in golf.
I want to share with you a few real-life mental game meltdowns…
Tension Leads to Dropped Shots
How can I better manage the thoughts that tell me how well I’m doing when I’m playing really well? I currently try to quiet my mind, but that doesn’t work, so I often then get a bit tense which causes dropped shots.”Plummeting Self-Confidence “How can I deal with self doubt and a plummeting self confidence when I am not playing the way I think I should be playing?”*
Angry Golfer Can’t Let Go of Mistakes
“Why do I have to get really angry before I can “let it go” and play my best golf?”*
Golfer Gets Too Excited
“When playing well I find it difficult to not get too excited and think ahead. This can make me play too carefully, usually leading to a bogey on the last couple of holes.”Comfort Zone Causes Protect Mode“Lately I have been getting to 1 to 2 under par and going into protect mode. In this mode I seem to only go for pars and lose the aggressive nature that got me under par in the first place. It is like I don’t feel that I have to make the birdie putts then but I need to make the par putt.”*
These mental game roadblocks take all the fun out of your golf game and the hard work you put into it. What really bugs me is that all this suffering is really unnecessary.
Having helped my students overcome these mental game challenges, you too can discover the top mental game strategies I have taught to Junior, Collegiate, Amateur, and Tour Professional Golfers – to help them perform at their peak and win!
What Are My Credentials?
As a dedicated golf psychology expert, I have researched and worked with thousands of elite athletes including top junior, collegiate, and tour pro golfers for nearly two decades. Over this time, I have compiled an impressive list of accomplishments and credentials such as:
- Working with some of the top golfers in the world including Junior, Collegiate, and PGA Tour winners winners on mental skills to improve confidence, focus, and composure for golf – over 30 years.
- Interviewing many top athletes in the world including Ernie Els, John Houston, Steve Lowery, and Helen Alfredsson to uncover the strategies, techniques and skills that keep these professional golfers at the pinnacle of performance.
- Authoring and producing an extensive library of golf psychology books, videos, audio programs and training seminars. I also wrote The Mental Game of Golf, The Mental Art of Putting, Peak Performance Golf, and Going Low. (Visit the proshop for details).
- Earning a Ph.D. in Sports Psychology from the University of Virginia under Golf Psychology expert Bob Rotella and having published more journal articles than any other students at the time.
My philosophy is to teach proven and simple mental game strategies to help you overcome mental barriers, take your practice game to tournaments, and boost your golf confidence.
No Psychobabble and no fluff! Just simple mental game strategies to help you perform at your peak based on my 30+ years experience working with golfers!
Real Top-Level Golfers I’ve Helped
“Confidence level has never been higher”
“My confidence level has never been higher! I can’t tell you how clearly I was able to think during all four rounds of tour-school. The simple game plan you gave me really focused me. My confidence level has never been higher during a tournament. No matter how much pressure was on, I was able to control my thoughts and execute. Thank you Dr. Cohn!”*
~Patricia Baxter-Johnson, LPGA Tour
“Great system to improve confidence!”
“To play well, you have to believe you can play well. Confidence goes a long way in golf. Patrick has developed a great system for helping me improve confidence and my overall mental approach to golf.”*
~Brian Watts, 11-time Winner on the PGA Japan Tour
“The mental side is everything in golf!”
“The mental side is everything in golf—the ability to see your shot or line and trust that you can hit that shot or putt. Dr. Cohn has helped me trust my game and putting stroke.”*
~Frank Lickliter, PGA Tour, Nike Tour Winner
“Helped me improve confidence!”
“Dr. Cohn has helped me improve confidence and build a consistence pre-shot routine that helps me stay confident, and learn how to play one shot at a time during competition. He also taught me that I don’t have to hit every shot perfect to score well.”*
~Brian Belden, Winner 2003 AJGA Steel City Junior Classic & Marsh Junior at Hawk Pointe
“Scored my personal best round ever!”
“I would like to thank you again for our last mental coaching session, which did offer me yesterday my personal best round ever! On a golf course where I had never scored better than 77, I scored a 73 in competition. I cannot believe the incredible inner work this simple session has produced on me and I would like to thank you again for that.”*
~Emmanuel Grizaud, Amateur Golfer
“Enormous amount of difference in my game!”
“I want to tell you how much I appreciate all your help. You have made an enormous amount of difference in my game. I feel much better because of your help; I don’t feel the tension like I did before. You should feel very good about what you do for people—it is truly a gift!. I know my students and myself have benefited enormously from Dr. Patrick Cohn’s teaching.”*
~Jim Dahline, PGA Professional
The best part is that you too, can tap into my expertise and experience I’ve learned about boosting other golfers’ mental game – so you can perform your best on the course or in tournaments!
Effortlessly Improve your Mental Game with an 11 Session Audio and Workbook Program…

“Golfers’ Mental Edge 2.0: Two Options Available
Get Digital Download
(MP3s and PDFs)
I share with your everything I know about how to boost your golf confidence because…. Most golfers get tons of confidence from practice only to have that hard-earned confidence disappear when they enter tournaments!
“Golfer’s Mental Edge is a Winning Program!”
The “Golfer’s Mental Edge” is a winning mental game program! Dr. Cohn’s program keeps you POSITIVE with your thought process, FOCUSED on what you can control on and off the course, and DECISIVE with the shot you are about to hit! I use his methods in my own game and share them with my students. Thanks, Dr. Cohn!”*
~Curtis Way, MGCP
Who Should Purchase the Golfer’s Mental Edge?
The Golfer’s Mental Edge 2.0 Audio and Workbook program is ideal for any amateur, collegiate, junior, and tour professional golfer.
Golf coaches and instructors would also be wise to teach “The Golfer’s Mental Edge 2.0” principles to their players. This program is perfect for any golfer who wants to improve performance and consistency by managing their mind better on the course.
- Golfers: Learn how to take control of your confidence before you tee off.
- Instructors: Learn how to give your students the mental game edge.
- Coaches: Boost your team’s confidence using down to earth mental strategies.
- Mental Coaches: Learn new strategies to help your golfers succeed.
What’s Included In the Golf Confidence Audio Program?
The “Golfer’s Mental Edge 2.0 Program” is a complete brain dump of the TOP 11 mental training sessions I do with my personal students to help them boost their mental game and improve consistency on the course. In my audio sessions, you learn the top mental strategies I teach to my personal mental coaching students.
- Four confidence-boosting CDs or 11 downloadable MP3s (Digital Download). Four 60 to 70-minute CDs includes 11 mental training session to help you improve confidence, focus, composure, and develop focused preshot routines (CDs value = $500).
- An 11-Session Golfer’s Mental Edge Workbook and Exercises to guide you through my mental toughness session and to overcome mental game roadblocks (Workbook value: $220.00).
- 11 preround mental preparation audio programs to help you review your mental strategies from the audio and workbooks. (Audio MP3 value: $110).
The Audio and Workbook Program Includes:
11 Audio Sessions on 4 CDs or on MP3 (Digital):
- Session 1: How to Manage Strict Expectations
- Session 2: How to Focus on One Shot at a Time
- Session 3A: How to Have Proactive Confidence
- Session 3B: How to Manage Confidence Killers
- Session 4: How to Improve Trust in Your Strokes
- Session 5: How to Cope with Bad Shots or Holes
- Session 6: Mental Preshot Preparation and Routines
- Session 7: How to Overcome Fear of Failure
- Session 8: How to Develop Focused Preshot Routines
- Session 9: How to Mentally Prepare for Competition
- Session 10: How to Have a One-Putt Mindset
The Golfer’s Mental Edge 2.0 – 4 CD Set

But There’s More… Grab Your FREE Bonus Package!
1. Drive for Success Goal Monitor Program
Set goals just like a pro with our goal monitor program—Drive for Success for Golfers! “Drive for Success” is a comprehensive goal setting and monitoring program designed specifically for golfers. You’ll identify objectives and set goals to improve your performance, set appropriate goals to keep you motivated, and monitor and track your process with my goal tracking program. Drive for Success Value: $50.00. Total VALUE of this Bonus Package: $50.00!
2. Tournament Preparation and Course Management (PDF)
Poor decision-making hurts your ability to score your best. Your game plan for the course helps you play to your strengths. Many golf teachers neglect course management and game plan preparation, even at the professional level, for this reason I want you to consider your course management and game plan for each course. eBook Value = $30.
3. Mental Edge Workbook on Perfectionism (PDF)
Perfectionism can be both an asset and a disadvantage for athletes. Perfectionism hurts your ability to perform freely and confidently in competition. For example, perfectionist athletes have incredibly high expectations for their performance, have fragile self-confidence, and also lack trust in their skills. Learn how to overcome the beliefs underlying perfectionism. eBook Value = $30.
4. Great Putting Right Now – Script (PDF)
The goal is to help players putt their best regardless of their skill level or golf background. By the end of this program, I hope that you’ll learn the mental keys to unlock your putting potential and help you to putt great right now! eBook Value = $30.
5. Putting Practice Drills to Improve Touch and Free up Your Putter (PDF)
You get my exclusive practice drills to improve your putting on the greens. You’ll get drills to improve your putting tough so you can stop 3-putting and drills to help free-up your putter and putt freely instead of controlled. Bonus Value = $20.
6. Post-Round Assessments (PDF)
You’ll receive 11 post-round assessments to measure your mental game progress based on the 11 mental skills you learn in the workbook and audio program. Self-monitor and tweak your mental game after each round or send to your mental game coach for evaluation. Bonus Value = $100.

Available in Two Formats
4-CD (or 11 audio sessions) and Workbook Program
“What’s The Cost, Dr. Cohn?”
“The Golfer’s Mental Edge 2.0” Audio and Workbook program is the most comprehensive mental game coaching I’ve offered to the public to date. I’m virtually giving away all my mental game secrets for only $299.00 US ($250.00 for digital download) including all the bonuses!
Of course, I’m happy if you enroll in my one-on-one mental coaching program! However, my one-on-one personal coaching program costs almost 5X the money for three months!
4-CD and Workbook Program
Two Easy Methods to Order
The easiest and most efficient way is to place your order online today.
Call us toll free 888-742-7225 and place your order with a valid credit card. Have your email, address, phone number, and credit card handy.
Thank you for taking the time to read about “Golfers’ Mental Edge 2.0 Audio Program” – a great investment you can make to rocket your golf confidence, focus, and composure to new heights. Please contact me if you have any questions about my program!
Your Mental Game Coach,
Patrick J. Cohn, Ph.D.
Master Mental Game Coach
Peak Performance Sports, LLC
Instilling Confidence for a Competitive Edge
Toll Free: 888-742-7225
P.S. You can learn the same confidence-boosting mental game strategies I teach my one-on-one coaching students for a fraction of the price. What would it be worth to you to improve your golf scores without changing instructors or buying newer and more costly equipment?
Click here to order “Golfer’s Mental Edge 2.0 Program” on Digital Download – to rocket your golf confidence to new heights!
*Testimonials found on this site are examples of what we have done for other clients, and what some of our clients have said about us. However, we cannot guarantee the results in any case. Your results may vary and every situation is different. No compensation was provided for these testimonials.