Jaclyn Ellis, M.S., MGCP, is a mental performance coach for Peak Performance Sports. She earned a Master’s degree from Illinois State University. Her passion is working with athletes, coaches, and parents to enhance both performance and enjoyment of sport.
She has a background in competitive sports including soccer, volleyball, and tennis. She also performed in advanced show choirs for many years. Additionally, she was a competitive youth head soccer coach in Bloomington, IL.

Jaclyn is a certified Mental Game Coaching Professional (MGCP) with Peak Performance Sports. She is also completing the requirements to be a Certified Mental Performance Consultant through AASP. She is a professional member of the Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP).
She has provided mental performance coaching to youth, high school, college, and adult athletes in all sports including soccer, basketball, baseball, softball, volleyball, golf, hockey, lacrosse, gymnastics, cheer, dance, cross country, wrestling, football, and American Ninja Warrior.
Zoom Mental Coaching Session
Watch a sample of a Mental Coaching Session with Coach Jaclyn Ellis via Facetime. Peak Performance Sports, LLC offer Sports Psychology Coaching via Facetime, Zoom, Skype, and Phone with Athletes from all over the world–from the comfort of your home or hotel room!
What Athletes and Parents Say:
“Jaclyn’s Mental Coaching Has Been Invaluable“
“After my rookie year performance on American Ninja Warrior, I knew I needed some serious work on my mental game and that led me to sign up with Peak Performance Sports. Jaclyn’s mental coaching has been an invaluable part of my training ever since. In just two months, I’ve seen fast improvements in my physical skills because I’ve become more aggressive and confident during practices. With her help I have developed a great pre-competition routine. Most of all, her coaching has helped me to find joy in training and competing again, regardless of the outcome. It’s made a huge difference in my game already and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for me in this sport!“*
~Jessica Helmer, America Ninja Warrior Competitor
“Mental coaching session have helped me focus”
“The mental coaching sessions have helped me focus on being the best athlete I can be. I have learned how to be more confidence in myself and my abilities. I’m able to step up to the blocks with a clear mind and give my best effort. My favorite thing about the sessions are the practical tips that I can use on a daily basis in practice and at meets. I’d highly recommend Jaclyn to any athlete, no matter their age or ability.”*
~Emma Sundermeyer, HS Swimmer Committed to the University of Alabama (2024)
“I’m Able to Play Freely and to my Potential”
“I won my season-long league championship, won our Laurel Pond tournament at my country club, shot my lowest competitive round, and lowered my handicap to +2.1! I was struggling with short putts because I was labeling them. With Jaclyn’s help, I made more putts and if I did miss, I let it go quickly. My reactions to poor shots or outcomes improved dramatically. I’m able to play freely and to my potential and now I’m playing the best golf of my life!”*
~Tom Mattaini, Amateur Golfer
“From Being on the Roster to ‘Producer’ Nickname”
“$60/hour on hitting lessons, $30/hour specialty position training, $300 camps, $175 month for team dues, plus travel, meals, lodging, $450 per bat, $300 for a glove, $100 on cleats. All this and the experts say “the game is 90% mental,” whatever that means. My daughter and I asked what could make her standout above the rest? We decided to redirect some of that money into the mental game. Over 6 weeks working with Coach Jaclyn, my daughter went from being on the roster of one of the top softball teams in the state to being referred to by coaches and parents as, “the producer”. I guess that’s what they mean by “the game is 90% mental. My daughter freely admits that Coach Jaclyn did more for her game than her $450 bat.”*
~JB-Arizona, Sports Parent
“Helped me play freely and be confident”
“After playing one of my best years but feeling the least confident I had ever been, I felt lost. That’s when I decided I needed to find some help. It was the best thing I ever did as she helped me stop creating expectations for myself and get over my fear of failure. This helped me play freely and be confident every game, no matter if I had my best game or worst. In our last game at Nationals, I could only give up two goals or we were out, and with her help I was able to not worry about those thoughts and focus on being confident and play the best game of the year.”*
~Ryan, College Ice Hockey Goalie
“My Confidence and Focus Have Improved”
“I highly recommend Jaclyn from Peak Performance Sports! AWESOME. Very supportive and positive, and really helped my mental game for Soccer. As a result, my confidence and focus on the field have really improved in a short amount of time due to weekly sessions. Thank You!”*
~Connor MacDonald, Varsity HS Soccer, New Jersey
“I shot my best tournament scores to date”
“Jaclyn was great to work with. I am now more confident over the ball and not worrying about things out of my control. This summer, I shot my best tournament scores to date, including my first under par tournament. I am more positive and relaxed. Highly recommend Jaclyn as a mental coach.”*
~Leo Dixon, Golf, IMG Academy
“Jaclyn Ellis has Been a Great Asset to Us”
“Jaclyn Ellis has been a great asset to PHSC Athletics. I believe she’ll be a great mental skills consultant working with any athletic organization. She was able to connect with our players to encourage positive thinking and provide skills to manage confidence and concentration to enhance performance. We hope to stay in touch with Jackie because she helped turn our program around.”*
~Coach Micheal Jones
“This Has Been Very Helpful to Me”
“Since I made the decision to do mental coaching with Peak Performance Sports, I’ve had a complete shift in how I approach the game of golf, so this has been very, very helpful for me. I’m going to give all the credit to coach Jaclyn’s Mental Edge Coaching. I feel strongly now that I am a different person on the golf course than I was a month ago. Really, you deserve a lot of credit. This is very helpful to me.”*
~Chris Ryan
“She’s in a Much Better Place”
“Thank you so much Jaclyn! She is really enjoying meeting with you. She seems to be in a much better place with the coaching. Her tryout wasn’t perfect, and that was ok. She had a few mistakes, recovered and hit. That is a HUGE improvement. And afterward she felt good. That is what matters to me. She didn’t give up, and then hate herself for it. We are very thankful to find you and appreciate all your help!”*
~Jean English – Cheer parent
“He Does Look More Confident”
“I did see some improvement with my son’s game this last weekend. His plate appearances are getting better and he does look more confident.”*
~Todd Nix – Baseball parent
“She’s Really Enjoying Your Sessions”
“I think this is good for Avery! I thought she did well when she played her sister and we watched. That’s a lot of pressure to do for her! My kids are beyond competitive with each other. I think she also puts pressure in herself because of it. Avery beat her easily which physically is easy for her to do but not mentally. I saw growth with that. Again, she’s really enjoying your sessions. I’ve noticed a difference in Avery as a person. She seems happier and less stressed about life. I think you’ve really helped her to do this!”*
~Jenn Sager – Tennis parent
“It’s Helped Him Quite a Bit”
“Thanks so much for your help with Jake! We would like to continue with you once baseball starts again. It’s helped him quite a bit, and we appreciate all of your hard work.”*
~Billy Shutters – Baseball parent
“Doing Much Better Controlling His Emotions”
“Owen has been doing much better controlling his emotions in practice and games. I still see the occasional eye/head roll but he seems to be getting over the issues faster.”*
~Brandon Bergin – Soccer parent
“Improved my Putting and Full Swing”
“Working with Coach Jaclyn was a great experience! She helped me work on focusing on process goals rather than outcomes. This improved both my putting and full swing shots as well. I would recommend her and the Peak Performance Sports program for any golfer struggling specifically with the yips or with any aspect of their golf game.”*
~Jim Moreno, Golfer
“A Big Boost to Her Confidence”
“Jenna is doing better with the things she has learned. Her last tournament before vacation went much better. She was able to keep her composure, she played well and she remained positive, displayed a level of confidence I have not seen in awhile, and she ended up coming in first. I think that was a big boost to her confidence as well. We do appreciate all your help. I do think that it made a difference.”*
~Julie Sandine, Sports Parent
“Made a Huge Difference in the Last Game of Season”
“My son needed some help with his mental game for his first year in high school The sessions that he had with Coach Jaclyn seemed to help out a lot and put different things he had previously been doing in total perspective. He got to use her advice and teachings in one of the last games and it made a huge difference. Amazing to see! I look forward to seeing all his teachings next season in high school football and we will see Jaclyn again during that time.”*
~Maria Brown, Sports Parent
“Confidence and Match Play Have Vastly Improved”
“My daughter plays on her varsity high school tennis team and in state-wide tournaments. She just completed two rounds of sessions with Jaclyn over the past three months. My daughter has always had good strokes, but the mental aspect of her game has been lacking and holding her back. Jaclyn has been terrific since day one – with my daughter and me. Since working with Jaclyn, my daughter’s confidence and match play have vastly improved. She is more focused and centered during matches, and now has a plan for what she is doing on the court. She still battles nerves at times, but is finding ways to deal with them – and not letting them beat her. My daughter (and I) credit Jaclyn for her improvement, which recently has resulted in some very good results in match play. This has been time and money well spent.“*
~Tennis Parent
“The Sessions Were So Helpful…”
“My son plays U14 and was in his first competitive season. The mental training program and Coach Jaclyn taught him how to handle his temper, how to play with confidence, and more importantly to focus on small/smart goals and trust his abilities. The sessions were so helpful, it allowed my son to share with Jaclyn those things that would be difficult for him to share with me as his parent. They had an open dialogue and followed the workbooks weekly and kept him engaged during the whole process. I recommend it 100%. The material and this program applies not only for soccer, but also for life and a young athlete learns to deal with his feelings, emotions and frustrations.” *
~Victor, South Florida
“I fell focused and my nerves were calm.”
“Last night I had my singles league match and won! Score was 6-3, 7-5 (after I was down 3-5); opponent complemented my serve and my strong mental performance on the 2nd set. Before the match I read your last summary and the tip sheet you sent after session 3. I felt focused and my nerves were calm – it was due to your great coaching – thank you!”*
~Jorgelina, Amateur Tennis Player
“I have more confidence in my dancing”
“I have more confidence in my dancing and the affirmations were helpful. I really loved the calls we had and how much they helped me backstage and how much I could focus without stress. Thank you for all your help!”*
~Isabella, Irish Dancing
Jaclyn Ellis in the News
- Dance Magazine: How to Use Mantras to Boost Your Performance
Other Mental Performance Coaches
*Testimonials found on this site are examples of what we have done for other clients, and what some of our clients have said about us. However, we cannot guarantee the results in any case. Your results may vary and every situation is different. No compensation was provided for these testimonials.