Online Success Formula for Mental Game Coaches

Build a Worldwide Audience for Your Services and Products with an Online Presence

Leading Sports Psychology Expert Reveals Formula For Online Success

From the Desk of Dr. Patrick Cohn

When I started Peaksports in 1995, I was clueless about websites and how they worked, but I took a leap of faith and jumped into the World Wide Web head first. This was a good move for me, but a lot has changed online in the last 17 years since I started my first website as a mental game coach…

I’ve learned a lot of lessons (and made a lot of mistakes along the way) on how to use the power of the internet to gain credibility and get a worldwide audience for my programs, products, and services.

I’ve learned a lot about how to manage and promote successful websites online and today I’m going to share my secrets with you….

Just Twenty One Days to a New World of Clients

I’m unveiling our new Online Success Formula for Mental Game Coaching Professionals (MGCPs) and sports psychology experts titled:

“Online Success Formula for Mental Game Coaches”

We will develop a highly-targeted website for your mental coaching practice in just 21 days! What’s more, we will help you build credibility as a Mental Coach with an online presence using a professional website. No longer will your client list be limited to the names in the telephone directory.

Step-By-Step Guidance

Online Success Formula for Mental Game Coaches” is more than just a new website we deliver. Our program guides you, step-by-step, to greater success as a mental coach using an online presence.

With our expertise and help, we’ll research your target market, develop your website using a powerful and easy-to-learn content management system, teach you how to publish new content quickly and without paying a webmaster huge fees, and get you noticed online by the athletes and coaches you want to work with.

And best of all, you don’t need any technical experience in websites or HTML. We’ll do the hard work for you and train you to do the easy work —effortlessly adding content and articles to your site.

Our unique program includes:

  • How to select and secure a domain name (URL) that will get noticed by search engines in your target audience using one simple strategy.
  • A 30-minute coaching session with Dr. Cohn to discuss your niche or specialization and strategize about your new website before we secure your new domain.
  • A professional design of your new website using WordPress and our premium, customizable themes.
  • Integration of a custom logo or your existing logo into your new website.
  • How to add articles, content, and pages to your website in less than five minutes without the need to hire a costly webmaster at $60 per hour or more.
  • How to use keywords that will help you get noticed and listed high in the search engines.
  • My 10-week list-building formula e-mail course to help you develop a contact list of athletes and coaches via your website.
  • 30-minute training on how to add new pages, articles, and customize your website without any prior technical knowledge or HTML.
  • How to get your website recognized using the top five essential plugins (add-ons) for WordPress.
  • Tips on how to optimize your website for search engines using Search Engine Optimization tactics in order to obtain a top 10 spot on Google. (No guarantee here, but I’ve been able to do this over and over again with my websites).

About My Background

Dr. Patrick Cohn, Master Mental Game Coach

As a dedicated mental game coach and sports psychology expert, I have studied, researched, and worked with thousands of athletes for nearly two decades. Over the course of my twenty-some years working, I’ve accrued an impressive list of accomplishments and credentials such as:

  • Having developed 12 successful mental game websites that attract 1000s of visitors each month.
  • Authoring and producing an extensive library of sports psychology books, videos, audio programs and training seminars that I sell online worldwide.
  • Earning a Ph.D. in Sports Psychology from the University of Virginia, having published more articles than any other student at the time.

By participating in this program, you’ll discover my formula for successfully creating, maintaining, and promoting your online mental training website to a worldwide audience! All without paying a webmaster $60 per hour or more!

Never-Before-Revealed Secrets to Online Success

Never before have I revealed my secrets to how I’ve created an online empire. Starting today, you can tap into my 17 years of experience of online success!

Here are a few of the advantages of our new Online Success for Mental Game Coaches website and course:

  • You will own a highly targeted website that can attract 1000s of visitors and potential students or customers.
  • You will be able to build your credibility as a mental game coach by sending potential clients your online brochure. You will be able to market your services and products to athletes, parents, and coaches all over the world.
  • You will have the ability to send athletes, parents, and coaches to your website for more information and to download your mental game programs.
  • You will be able to do online mental game assessments with athletes.
  • You will have member-only access to specific content on your website and members’ only digital programs that can be downloaded.
  • You will have the potential to develop a contact list of athletes, coaches, and sports parents that you can market your products and services to.
  • You will have the option of adding an online shopping cart component to market and sell products to your athletes and coaches online. Using your focused website, you will be able to position yourself as an expert in your field.

How to Avoid the Mistakes I Made

I wasted a lot of time and money with webmasters. Here’s the problem with letting a “webmaster,” who’s unfamiliar with sports psychology, develop your mental game website: They do not know how to optimize it for your target audience!

To get your website noticed and have athletes, coaches or parents land on your website requires the specialized knowledge of our field that only you and I know.

Here are a few problems you might struggle with, which I’ve learned how to overcome over the last 17 years as I’ve developed my online empire:

  • Not knowing what URL or domain name to pick to get the best bang for your dollar.
  • Uncertainty of the right keywords to use to help people find your website in your specific area of specialization.
  • Not having the technical expertise to develop, manage, and add content to your website.
  • Paying – or should I say wasting – thousands of dollars to a webmaster to create a website that’s not targeted to your population of clients.
  • Inability to add new content without paying a webmaster $60/hour for updates. (I’ve flushed thousands of dollars down the drain on costly webmasters).
  • Uncertainty about how to brand yourself or your company online.
  • Being unsure about how to get your website noticed (for the right reasons) through search engines and optimization.
  • Second-guessing what information to put on the website to portray you as an expert in your field.

Can you relate to any of the problems mentioned above? I’ve struggled with all these at one time or another in my career. The process of developing a website can be costly, frustrating, and time consuming.

How Much is Visibility, Credibility, and Income Worth to You?

An opportunity like this has tremendous income potential for you, but Online Success Secrets for Mental Game Coaches costs only $699.00. You can make that much just by  signing up one student for a one-month coaching program.

By using our tips for Search Engine Optimization strategies,  your new website could easily attract 1000s visitors per month. Don’t you believe that at least one person will become a potential student or customer?

Get Started Today with Your Very Own Mental Game Coach Website

If you are not online yet with a mental coaching website, you can’t ignore the power of the World Wide Web anymore! If you already have a website, we can help you improve your online presence effortlessly and cost-effectively.

And don’t worry, you do NOT need any technical experience… We handle the technical details and show you how to post your own articles and pages.

**Note 1: You’ll need to obtain your own hosting account (less than $5/month) to make this work, but we will instruct you how to obtain a hosting account, including who to use, during the first steps of the course.

**Note 2: Integration of a shopping cart or opt-in form into your site is not included in this program. But we instruct you on the best options for both a shopping cart and opt-in form. We can help you add this optional feature once your site goes live.

Two Methods to Place Your Order for Mental Coach Website

(1) The easiest and most efficient way is to place your order online today. Call us for details.

(2) Call toll free, 888-742-7225 and place your order with a valid credit card. Have your email, address, phone number, and credit card handy.

Let’s Recap What You Get…

Online Success Formula for Mental Coaches program is far more than a new website for your mental coaching practice — it’s a proven formula that I’ve used, over and over, to rise to the top of the search engine rankings and get massive traffic to my sites.

  • You’ll receive a brand new website design optimized for your niche as a mental game coach.
  • You’ll receive step-by-step instructions and personal coaching from us on how to add new content and articles to your website.
  • You’ll learn my secrets for how to get your site on top of the search engine listings using two simple practices.
  • You’ll learn the secrets I’ve used to drive 1000s of visitors to my sites per month and develop a list of over 30,000 athletes, coaches, and sports parents.
  • You’ll get my 10-week list-building course that teaches you how to rapidly build your own list of potential customers (list-building forms are an add-on package to this program).
  • You’ll be personally coached by me and my assistant during the entire time we develop and launch your new mental coaching website.

Try My Mental Coach Website Today

I’m so confident that you will love the results that I’ll assume all the risk to make this a no-brainer for you with a 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE.

If you don’t like the website –for any reason at all, we’ll rip it down and start over from scratch. Fair enough?

When you click “Order Now” below, you’ll be taken to an order page where you can order your program – just have a valid credit or debit card handy for your order.

Order Your Mental Coaching ProgramThank you very much for spending the time to read about the Online Success Formula for Mental Coaches. It’s possibly the best investment you’ll ever make to help build your credibility and improve your visibility online.

Your Mental Game Coach,

Sports Psychology Expert, Dr. Cohn

Patrick J. Cohn, Ph.D.
Master Mental Game Coach

Peak Performance Sports, LLC
P.O. Box 3188
Windermere, FL 34786-3188

p.s. If you are not marketing your services and programs online, you are missing out on a huge potential to boost your income and credibility!


*Testimonials found on this site are examples of what we have done for other clients, and what some of our clients have said about us. However, we cannot guarantee the results in any case. Your results may vary and every situation is different. No compensation was provided for these testimonials.