“Get Psyched for Sports –
The Ultimate Guide to Pregame Routines!”
Discover the pregame strategies professional athletes
use to perform their best — And to their potential.
Dear Athlete,
During the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, Greece, a very small mental error cost shooter Matt Emmons the Olympic gold medal. He lost this once-in-a-lifetime award because the stress winning a gold medal caused him to miss a critical step in his routine – a mental breakdown – before he executed his final shot.
With a commanding lead going into the final shot, Emmons forgot to check the number on the target he was supposed to shoot! Not only was this an embarrassing mistake, but one that carried a costly consequence—the loss of the Olympic gold medal!
After the tournament, Emmons said that he was so focused on staying calm during his last shot that he cross-fired or shot at the wrong target–a mental game error that cost him the gold medal.
No one knows for sure what caused Emmons mental error, but perhaps it was caused by the pressure of the moment and he just forgot a simple step in his routine. Only Emmons knows the real story, which lead to this avoidable tragedy in his athletic career.
This story highlights just how important it is to have your head in the game before you start the game or play. In addition, as an expert with nearly two decades in the sports psychology field, I have the skills and experience to teach you how to avoid mistakes and other mental obstacles so you maximize your athletic performance.
In my new e-book, Get Psyched for Sports I share with you many of the top secrets used by professional athletes! For example:
Hank Aaron Attributed His Hitting
Success to his Mental Preparation!
One of the greatest hitters of all time, Hank Aaron, attributed much of his success in baseball to his mental preparation–both before and during the game.
He was not a big advocate of the mechanics of baseball. Instead, he believed that mental preparation and doing his “homework” was the key to becoming a great, consistent hitter year after year.
Aaron was a master at studying the pitcher before games: “I think about how a guy mentally prepares himself to do battle, to go out and face the pitcher. I think so many hitters do not know how to get themselves prepared to play or hit against a pitcher. You have to mentally be prepared to hit against all pitchers,” Aaron said (Hanson, 1991).
Wade Boggs Prepared His Mind in the Locker Room
“I went into a cocoon for 15-20 minutes before each game. This was my quiet time, my preparation time. I focused on the pitcher and how he would try to get me out. I would envision getting a hit off the pitcher,”
~Wade Boggs
Boggs, like Aaron, went to the movies in his mind to preview and visualize a plan for what was to come, which is a hallmark of champion athletes.
Programming the Mind for Winning
with a Great Pre-Game Routine
Over the last two decades, I have been involved in research on the rituals and routines athletes use and have discovered that great athletes use a pre-game routine or ritual to create a mindset for success. The very best athletes know how to harness the power of the mind and get psyched before the game starts.
You wouldn’t dream of starting your performance with out stretching exercises and a physical warm up routine, but many athletes forget that the brain also needs a chance to warm up to prepare for a solid performance. Great athletes recognize that getting the proper mindset in place before the whistle blows or the first shot is critical to outcome!
Uncover the Seven Secrets to a Powerful Performance
- Learn how to build pregame, unstoppable confidence.
- Learn how to avoid the top 10 mental errors so you don’t repeat the mistakes of athletes who have failed.
- Take my Pregame Attitude Test (PAQ) to test your pregame attitude so you can make adjustments.
- Discover how a game plan can help you focus better and crush your competition.
- Learn how you can prepare for mishaps and adversity before the game even starts.
- Discover how to fight your own doubt before it festers and cuts your confidence legs off before it is too late.
- Identify the proper cues you need to pay attention to so you can get into a zone focus.
- And much, much more!
The Power to Think Like a Champ is Within You!
Get Psyched for Sports will teach you the mental routines and pre-game rituals to boost your confidence, help you focus on the right cues, and set a game plan and out think your competition.
Don’t let common mistakes such as doubt, lack of confidence or focusing on the wrong cues hinder your performance. Take control of your mental game and reap the positive changes in your performance.
Are you ready to harness the power of your mind to reach your ultimate athletic potential? Download your copy of Get Psyched for Sports which is packed full of all of my secrets to mental preparation.
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~ Vickie Vander Vere
And for serious athletes like you, I’m offering this book valued at over $149 of personal coaching techniques, mental game strategies and pre-game routines at a discounted price of $19.95. That is nearly a 80% discount off my regular price. You had better get your copy today, before I change my mind on the price.
Don’t miss this chance to take advantage of this special offer! Order your copy of Get Psyched for Sports today and receive your copy within a matter of minutes thanks to the magic of the Internet.
I’m confident that Get Psyched for Sports will have an immediate and profound impact on your pre-game mental routine and boost your performance!
What are you waiting for?
Take charge of your mental game today!
Stay Focused,
Patrick J. Cohn, Ph.D.
Master Mental Game Coach
What My Readers Say
“I am a sports psychologist in Dallas. I have purchased and read your two e-books, and find them quite good. Do you do all of your own writing? If so, I commend you on the quality. It is very readable and helpful.”
~ Michael Wolf, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist, Dallas, TX
“I really enjoyed the e-book, Confidence: Mental Strategies to Think Like a Champion and found it EXTREMELY helpful! Your book actually focused on HOW to build confidence rather than saying ‘you need to play with confidence…’ GREAT stuff!”
~ Diane Wade, Equestrian
“The Confidence e-book has been wonderful for our 15 Junior Olympic Volleyball team. We have participated in three tournaments and won 2! He has the girls playing emotionally and stepping it up during the big games. He has been able to get them to be cocky and believing in themselves. He has (using your advice) approached two of the players and asked them to be inspirational leaders. It is great to see them step up to the challenge.”
~ Bill Forgione
“I thought your e-book, Confidence: Mental Strategies to Think Like a Champion was great for two reasons. First, it broke down in the simplest terms, what you meant by the problem of being a perfectionist and how doubt can creep inside one’s head in the most insidious ways. Second, the “homework” has given me a much more positive attitude about my abilities and provided boosts to my confidence. My eventing season starts later this month. I plan to take my “homework” with me and read it out loud to myself the night before each competition.”
~ Wendy Bebie