Discover If You Make Any Of These ‘Costly’ Mental Game Mistakes Than Can Block Your Success

Get instant access to our soccer psychology free eBook. Discover if you are making one or more of these 7 “costly” mental game mistakes that block soccer players’ success!
In this soccer psychology eBook, you’ll discover:
- How your soccer mind can be your best or worst asset on the field.
- If you are using your soccer mindset effectively before games.
- How frustration and dwelling are you worst enemy.
- Learn the important mental game of soccer skills you need to master to boost your confidence and performance!
We’ll also notify you when we have other soccer psychology tips to boost your performance in games!
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©2025 Peak Performance Sports, LLC | 888-742-7225
Soccer Psychology Report Success Stories
“I’ve Enjoyed and Benefited from Your Emails”
I have enjoyed and benefited from your emails over the past year or two. I have been a player, parent, and coach in soccer over the past 40 years. Thanks for the assistance with the mental game resources.”*
~Kyle Congleton, Soccer Coach and Parent
“My Daughter is Really Enjoying It”
“We try and spend 20 to 30 minutes a day working on the mental aspects of the game. My daughter is really enjoying it and feels it has helped and I know it has worked for her mother and I. I think you need to open a branch up here in Detroit, Michigan because there are a lot of parents and kids up here that need this information. Keep up the good work!”*
~Scott Burgess, Soccer Parent
“A True Success Story”
“Adam is truly one of your success stories. We purchased the CD program for him last year around this time. He is a soccer goalie and needed more confidence. The change was dramatic and he still goes through the exercises before a big game.”*
~Stella Prevost, Soccer Mom
“A New Focused, Composed Child”
“At the start of the year my 10 year old was selected in a youth development program for soccer in Australia. Occasionally, he would show signs of frustration that would end with him dissolving into tears and subsequently checking out of the game wanting to quit. I found your ‘Composed Athlete’ CD program. I see a new focused, composed child who really enjoys his soccer and the challenges it presents. Thank you so much for the work you do with youth sports psychology. I know for a certainty that his football career would have been very short lived without it.”*
~Cherie Medway, Soccer Mum from Australia
“Your Programs Work. Period”
“My son is a soccer goalie and a tremendous athlete. Although he did well, there were times he suffered from a lack of confidence and his performance would go up and down. I found your site and purchased the confident athlete and the composed athlete. Wow! What a difference. After going through the CD programs, I can say it had a huge affect on my sons performance. Your programs work. Period. Your workbooks and audio CDs were worth every penny. I am very thankful for them and so is my son.”*
~Greg Cordle, Soccer Parents
*Testimonials found on this site are examples of what we have done for other clients, and what some of our clients have said about us. However, we cannot guarantee the results in any case. Your results may vary and every situation is different. No compensation was provided for these testimonials.