Year: 2010

Equestrian Video 4: Dangers of Thinking Too Far Ahead

Peak Sports Video of The Week

Dangers of Thinking Too Far Ahead Mental coach, Dr. Patrick Cohn of  Peak Performance Sports  helps equestrian athletes of all levels improve their mental game and performance. In this video, Dr. Cohn addresses the top mental game challenges for equestrian athletes. He answers questions from riders about pressure, pregame jitters, over analysis, perfectionism, and other mental game challenges. Dr. Cohn answers a question about focusing too … Sport Psychology Article…

Top Mistakes Mental Game Coaches Make in 1st Session


A mental game coach trying to establish himself recently asked me this question: “What is the number one mistake mental coaches make on the first session with an athlete?” I’ll give two answers to this question today because I think the answer depends on your philosophy about how to do mental coaching… First, I believe you must understand … Sport Psychology Article…

Equestrian Confidence Video 3: Using Mental Skills in Practice

Peak Sports Video of The Week

Using Mental Skills in Practice Mental coach, Dr. Patrick Cohn of  Peak Performance Sports  helps equestrian athletes of all level improve their mental game and performance. In this video, Dr. Cohn addresses the top mental game challenges for equestrian athletes. He answers questions from riders about pressure, pregame jitters, over analysis, perfectionism, and other mental game challenges. Visit Equestrian Confidence and Download his free report: “8 Costly … Sport Psychology Article…

Sport Psychology Podcast: Overcoming a Fear of Injury in Sports

Sports Psychology Podcast

In this week’s sports psychology podcast, Dr. Cohn helps a hockey parent him his son who is afraid of body contact. Sports psychology expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn helps athletes boost confidence. Dr. Cohn answers the following mental game question: “My 13 year old son while playing ice hockey fears of body contact with opponent and throws the puck away as soon an … Sport Psychology Article…

Golf Podcast: Coping with Pressure to Succeed in Golf

Golf Psychology Podcast

Dr. Patrick Cohn, golf psychology expert and author of the “Golfer’s Mental Edge” CD program, teaches amateur to tour professional golfers how to improve their mental game of golf. In this week’s golf psychology session, mental game of golf expert and author of The Mental Game of Golf, Dr. Cohn, answers a question from a golfer about coping with … Sport Psychology Article…

Equestrian Confidence Video 2: Performing Under Pressure

Peak Sports Video of The Week

Performing Under Pressure Mental coach, Dr. Patrick Cohn of  Peak Performance Sports  helps equestrian athletes of all level improve their mental game and performance. In this video, Dr. Cohn addresses the top mental game challenges for equestrian athletes. He answers questions from riders about pressure, pregame jitters, over analysis, perfectionism, and other mental game challenges. Visit Equestrian Confidence and Download his free report: “8 Costly Mistakes Equestrians … Sport Psychology Article…