Year: 2010

Sport Psychology Podcast: Improving Self-Confidence

Sports Psychology Podcast

In this week’s sports psychology podcast, Dr. Cohn helps a ice hockey player improve his self-confidence.  Sports psychology expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn helps athletes perform with confidence. Dr. Cohn answers the following mental game question: My son plays hockey and really enjoys the game. He has only played for two years and has made a remarkable progress and was selected for our towns … Sport Psychology Article…

Can You Make a Living as a Mental Game Coach?

Mental Coach

Becoming a Successful Mental Game Coach I’m often asked by persons who want to get into mental coaching full time this question: “Can I make a living as a mental game coach?” My short answer is “yes.” A handful of people–who don’t teach sports psychology at a university–do make a living as a mental game coach. My long … Sport Psychology Article…

Athletes Who Intimidate Themselves Before Competing

Sports Confidence

Do You Make Comparisons to Other Athletes? Do you (or your athletes) make comparisons to other athletes that might be bigger, stronger, or more talented than you? Do you worry when your opponents have more wins or a better record? One athlete wrote, “I focus too much on other competitors instead of myself. I start to doubt myself … Sport Psychology Article…

Sports Psychology Podcast: Perform with Confidence, Not Expectation

Sports Psychology Podcast

In this week’s sports psychology podcast, Dr. Cohn helps a ice hockey player improve his self-confidence.  Sports psychology expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn helps athletes let go of high expectations and perform with confidence. Dr. Cohn answers the following mental game question: “I play travel AAA ice hockey. I have been the leading goal scorer on my team for the entire season. But for … Sport Psychology Article…

Golf Podcast: Signs of Burnout

Golf Psychology Podcast

Dr. Patrick Cohn, golf psychology expert and author of the “Golfer’s Mental Edge” CD program, teaches amateur to tour professional golfers how to improve their mental game of golf. In this week’s golf psychology session, mental game of golf expert and author of The Mental Game of Golf, Dr. Cohn, answers a question from a golfer about burnout and … Sport Psychology Article…

Mental Game Lessons from John Wooden

Basketball Confidence

What’s the Most Important Skills for Athletes to Possess? Anthony Robbins sent me an interview he did with the legendary basketball coach John Wooden, who recently passed away at age 99. This was one of the best interviews Wooden gave, according to Robbins. Today, I want to share with you something that Wooden said that I think is profound… … Sport Psychology Article…