Month: March 2015

Princeton Women’s Basketball: The Process of Being Undefeated

Process Focus

Focus On The Process In college sports, outcomes are everything. It’s all about wins and losses, your record, your score or your time. If outcomes are so important to sports, why do so many sport psychologists, coaches and athletes talk about the dangers of focusing on the outcome? Why do we constantly hear of the importance of focusing … Sport Psychology Article…

What Is Flow And How Does It Affect Your Game?

Sports Psychology Podcast

How Can Flow Help Your Game? In this week’s sports psychology podcast, mental game of sports expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn, answers a question from Jerome, who is curious about flow and wants to understand his own flow style. Listen to this month’s sports psychology podcast to learn how to improve your performance in sports and other mental game … Sport Psychology Article…

How Russel Wilson Learns And Grows From Setbacks

Mental Toughness

Wilson’s Mental Toughness Losing can be particularly difficult to handle. Some athletes take it harder than others questioning their athletic talent or ability to play under pressure. Nonetheless, adversity will cross paths with every athlete during their career in sport. How you handle adversity, your level of mental toughness, will determine if and how quickly you rebound from … Sport Psychology Article…