Month: September 2016

How to Overcome a Losing Streak in Sports

Overcoming a Losing Streak

What is The Key to Breaking a Losing Streak? Losing streaks come in a couple forms: a number of consecutive losses to several teams or the inability to beat one particular team over a long period of time. Whichever type of losing streak you might have experienced, it can have a devastating effect on how you approach a … Sport Psychology Article…

How Athletes Overcome Mental Anguish

Focused in The Moment

How to Move on From Mental Scars in Sports The past can sometimes haunt athletes. For example, past mistakes, missteps and missed opportunities can prevent you from playing your very best right now. I call these “mental scars.” Despite the recognized danger of living in the past, many athletes can’t get over these mental scars from the past. … Sport Psychology Article…

Golfers Who Fear Making Mistakes During a Round

Golf Mentality

Do You “Play-It-Safe” or “Go For It”? Are you afraid to “go for it” during a round of golf for fear you will miss shots when they matter most? Do you lack the confidence to take risks and instead opt to play it safe when you golf? Most golfers believe you need to be confident to take risks. … Sport Psychology Article…

Are You a Gamer? How To Perform Under Pressure

Performing Under Pressure

How Athletes Win When The Game is on The Line Imagine yourself in a situation during a competition when the outcome of the game rests upon your shoulders… How do you think you would respond? Would you get nervous and freeze? Would your mind be taken over by negative thoughts? Would you fear failing when teammates depended on … Sport Psychology Article…