Confidence in sports

Read sport psychology articles about confidence in sport and how to have stable confidence

Favre Welcomes the Pregame Butterflies in NFL Return

Pregame Butterflies

Pregame Jitters Most athletes feel “jitters” or nervousness before competition. But are jitter a bad thing to feel before a game? It depends on who you ask. Many young athletes who experience pregame jitters think they are nervous or tense and don’t like these feelings. However, veteran players welcome pregame jitters and even worry when they don’t feel … Sport Psychology Article…

How to Win Big – Sports Insights May 2009

Winning Big in Sports

Winning Big With Momentum How big do you have to win by for the game to be classified as a route? What qualifies as a mega route in sports? Does momentum play a role in a huge route? What’s the attitude you or your team needs to perform your best every play, not give up a huge lead … Sport Psychology Article…

A Slump-Busting Secret Weapon: The Confident Athlete CD Sports Psychology Programs

Shooter Slump Busting

Slump-Busting Strategies I love the satisfaction of helping athletes get the most out of their ability using slump-busting strategies and mental game coaching, especially athletes from across the globe who may be in a performance slump… Cypress National shooter Mario Kapodistrias was in a performance slump with his shooting for a couple years. His under performance punished his self-confidence … Sport Psychology Article…

A Mentally Prepared Athlete is a Relaxed Athlete

Relaxed athlete

The Relaxed Athlete Wow, the upcoming release of “The Relaxed Athlete” has completely swamped me… and the momentum is so crazy that I can’t wait for April 1. “The Relaxed Athlete,” is the cream of the crop in the Confident Athlete Series. Seriously. I’m really excited about this puppy – it will blow your socks off. It’s loaded … Sport Psychology Article…

Self-Confidence in Sports and The Power of Words

Confident Self-Talk

The Pyramid of Confident Self-Talk The positive feedback for The Peaksports Mental Training Bootcamp is coming in to the office. We packed a room at the Omni hotel for a weekend-long jam session of mental training strategies taught by the top mental coaches in the business.The reason why I am writing today is to tell you about one of … Sport Psychology Article…

Sports Psychology: Sturdy or Fragile Confidence?

Self Confidence

The Importance of a Positive Self-Image For some athletes, self-confidence goes up and down like a roller coaster, changing direction with every bump and turn in the road.Over the last 15 years, I have worked with athletes who possess both high and low levels of confidence. What allows one athlete to have a brick wall of confidence and … Sport Psychology Article…