Mental Game of Sports

How to Get ‘Psyched Up’ Instead of ‘Psyched Out’

Improve Performance Under Pressure

Deal With High Pressure Situations In Games Why is it that some athletes step up in high-pressure situations when athletes dread those feelings of pressure? You have been in those situations where the end of a competition is running near and there is that critical moment where the outcome is about to be decided… your heart is pounding… … Sport Psychology Article…

How to Overcome Athletes’ Resistance to Mental Training

Benefits of Mental Training

What Top Athletes Have Benefited From Mental Training? Whether athletes are young or college-age, talented or less talented, they all can benefit from mental training. Yet, a number of obstacles prevent athletes from embracing it. What does this mean for parents and coaches? Read on and you’ll learn how to help athletes overcome their resistance to mental training. … Sport Psychology Article…

Two Important Keys To Mental Toughness

Mental Toughness Training

Self-Control And Persistence Why do some athletes consistently fall short of their goals? Are you frustrated because you just can’t seem to get over the hump and achieve the level of success that you desire? Many athletes start pre-season full of vim and vigor… You have certain objectives you want to meet… You believe this is the year … Sport Psychology Article…

Does Jordan Spieth Have The Tiger Woods Syndrome?

Facing the Pressure

Do You Feel Pressure During Golf? For many golfers, victory and notoriety often come with a huge pressure to stay on top and continue to excel–think Tiger Woods. For golfers, a high world ranking often comes with a higher expectation to continuously make cuts and have a change to win. Despite talent and a strong mental game, even … Sport Psychology Article…

Positive or Negative Self-Talk. Which One Do You Use?

Positive Self-Talk

Carr’s Positive Self-Talk Does negative self-talk make it difficult to focus during competitions? Do you wish you could be more positive after mistakes? Negative self-talk is when you berate yourself for making mistakes during practice or competition. Obviously, negative self-talk hurts your confidence and enjoyment in sports. How can you turn negative self-talk into positive self–talk, the mental … Sport Psychology Article…

How To Get Out Of Your Own Way And Excel

Over Thinking

Do You Over Think In Competition? Do you get in your own way when you compete? This is a common challenge for many athletes we coach on the mental game. One way you (or your athletes) might get in your own way mentally is when you over think in competition, such as when you over think how to … Sport Psychology Article…