Mental Toughness Classes

Mental toughness classes, to improve your mindset for sports for athletes and coaches.

Mental Game Classes by Peak Performance Sports

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 Mental Game Classes Every year Peaksports Subscribers can join six live mental game classes. This fall, you can get live mental game coaching with myself as I cover three popular sports psychology topics… Here is the kicker… It’s all done over the phone via Teleconference–called a Teleclass! Just phone in… What is a Teleclass? Each class is about … Sport Psychology Article…

The 10 Deadly Mistakes Athletes Make With Their Pregame Attitude

Pregame Misakes

Are You Making Any of These ‘Deadly’ Mistakes? Are you so concerned about what others might be thinking about your game that you get distracted when you play? For many athletes, a huge source of pregame anxiety or worry comes from the need to seek “approval” from others. If this is you, you might have a need to … Sport Psychology Article…

Pre-Game Jitters: Perform Under Pressure

Pregame Jitters

Embrace The Pregame Jitters Do you ever get butterflies in your stomach before you compete called pregame jitters? Do you get really nervous before the start of a big match or game and can’t relax after the game starts? Most athletes have felt the negative effects of pressure during their athletic career. Even the best athletes feel pressure … Sport Psychology Article…