Sports Psychology Articles

Do You Embrace Intra-Team Competition

Embrace Team Competition

Nervous Competing Against Teammates in Practice? Coaches create competition scenarios in practice and training sessions to improve the team’s ability to perform under pressure and shape each player’s competitive mindset. Competing in practice makes competing in tournaments and games more appealing. Instead of becoming nervous, you feel more confident. You make fewer mistakes.  You take more risks and … Sport Psychology Article…

Do You Have Fun When Competing?

Mindset for Losing

Does Performance Pressure Outweigh Competing? Do you have fun competing in games or tournaments? Do you enjoy exploring your potential or does competition make your feel stressed? Sports are enjoyable for many reasons. You may have fun in practice. You might have a lot of friends on your team. You might like to master skills… Nevertheless, the tricky … Sport Psychology Article…

How to Recover Like the Pros After Losses

How to Reach for Your Athletic Potential

Do you Feel Demoralized After a Bad Game? It’s one thing to have a bad game, but a disastrous game can be mentally deflating.  Even worse are consecutive horrible games. When you have back-to-back disastrous performances, those are the times you want to call it quits. For instance, how would you feel if you were a gymnast who … Sport Psychology Article…

How to Turn Negative Criticism into Motivation

Mistake in the Game

What Fuels your Motivation? Wins, personal bests, rewards, awards, and compliments are positive forms of motivation for athletes. When your coaches, teammates, or parents believe in you, you will feel that extra spark to go for it. But what if others don’t believe in you? Can you be motivated by disparaging remarks by others? Some athletes view negative … Sport Psychology Article…

How to Increase Consistency in Competition?

Learning from Loses

Positive Mental Approach to Maintaining Consistency What are the keys to greater consistency in sports performances? Many factors, such as injuries, over training, lack of preparation, unrealistic expectations, contribute to inconsistency. Each of these factors is impacted by your thoughts. Your thoughts heading into a competition affect your confidence, focus, and performance. The following are thoughts that contribute … Sport Psychology Article…