Sports Psychology Articles

Helping Kids Stay in Sports – Video

Sports Psychology Video

Play for Yourself, Not to Please Others In this sports psychology video, Dr. Cohn helps an athlete make a tough decision of whether to quit her sports or not. You’ll learn that finding your own motivation and joy in playing your sport is more important than playing for other people. In this video, learn about how to decide … Sport Psychology Article…

How to Deal with External Noise

Tune negativity Out

Managing Negativity From Others What are the main distractions that affect your performance? In what competitive situations do you find focusing more difficult? Distractions can be described as unneeded noise in your mind Some noise is internal such as your self-talk. You had probably experienced times when you thought, “I’m not good enough,” “I always choke,” or “Other … Sport Psychology Article…

The Importance of Mental Toughness

Mental Toughness 150

Learning Mental Toughness Skills What is the core characteristic of mental toughness? The term “mental toughness” is used by a lot of athletes… Everyday you watch or listen to professional coaches, athletes, or commentators talk about mental toughness. As much as the term “mental toughness” is used, athletes and coaches still have difficulty elaborating on mental toughness and … Sport Psychology Article…

How to Build Mental Toughness

Hockey Psychology

Mindset Training to Perform at Your Best What is the opposite of mental toughness? The counter to mental toughness is mental fragility. The mentally fragile athlete tends to experience apprehension in big moments, become overwhelmed when playing tough competition, and feel inadequate compared to other athletes. Mentally fragile athletes are anxious even before the competition starts and have … Sport Psychology Article…

Improve Your Decision Making When Competing

Sports Psychology Video

Being Decisive with Your Game Plan In this sports psychology video, Dr. Cohn helps an athlete on knowing what to do in post games assessment to improve confidence and performance. Dr. Cohn answers a question from an athlete who is having a problem with making his decisions during the game. Dr. Patrick Cohn is a master mental game coach who works … Sport Psychology Article…