Sports Psychology Articles

How to Overcome Pressure

Pressure of Competitive

Athletes who Feel Pressure This is a question each athlete needs to ask themselves. You can think of many triggers that can add to the pressure of competitive sports. For some athletes, the feel pressure from excessively high expectations for themselves. Some athletes feel added pressure due to their perfectionist mentality. Some athletes feel pressure to perform due … Sport Psychology Article…

What Motivates Athletes?

Improving Your Mental Game For Triathlons

Sources of Motivation for Athletes Are you (or your athletes) motivated by getting your name in the newspaper? Are you motivated by receiving the MVP award at the end-of-the-year team banquet? These sources of motivation are referred to as extrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation refers to actions that are driven by external rewards such as money, trophies, acclaim, gifts, … Sport Psychology Article…

Overcoming Mental Blocks in Competition

Overcome Mental Blocks

Having Confidence in Your Skills Mental blocks are often the most frustrating hurdles for an athlete to encounter. The thing that makes mental blocks so challenging and irritating is that you know how to perform a skill… You know you have the ability to perform the skill and… You know you have successfully performed the skill in the … Sport Psychology Article…

Improve Concentration for Basketball – Video

Sports Psychology Video

Do you Limit Distractions during Basketball Games? In “Sports Psychology Sessions with Doc,” Dr. Patrick Cohn answers sports psychology questions from athletes, parents and coaches. Do you struggle early in the game with your focus and easily getting distracted? In this mental game video for basketball, Dr. Cohn will discuss: Top distractions for basketball players. COHN: What are … Sport Psychology Article…

How to Be Ready to Enter The Game Like Harmon

Mental toughness and Tom Brady

Be Mentally Prepared to Come Off The Bench The “next man up” mentality has received a lot of attention in team sports recently. This mindset refers to a player stepping in off the bench and contributing to the team’s success. It’s not easy coming off the bench in a middle of competition with little warm-up and quickly jumping … Sport Psychology Article…