
Perfectionism articles for athletes, performers, and coaches. Learn how to manage the disadvantages of perfectionism.

Does Perfectionism Help Your Performance?

How Athletes Bounce Back From Defeat

How Perfectionism Affects Sport Performance What are your thoughts on perfectionism for athletes? In your opinion, should the goal be to have a perfect performance? So many athletes are confused by the perfection. Is perfectionism good or bad for athletes? Depends on who you ask… Some pitchers want to pitch a perfect game every time they take the hill. Gymnasts … Sport Psychology Article…

Why It’s Okay for Athletes to Fail

Mistake in the Game

How to Avoid the Perfectionist Mindset Mistakes and mishaps are an inescapable part of all sports. No matter how hard you try to avoid them, errors will happen during competitions. Even the best athletes in the world are not immune to mistakes: –Pro tennis players hit unforced errors late in matches.–MLB baseball players strike out with runners in … Sport Psychology Article…

Perfectionism Hurts Athletes During Competition

perfectionism in sports

How to Perform Functionally, Not Perfectly Is perfectionism helpful or harmful to your performance? Do you see perfectionism as a key to your success? Many top athletes players call themselves perfectionists. You look at these players with admiration and conclude that perfectionism is the way to go to reach your full potential in sport. Perfectionism does have clear … Sport Psychology Article…

All or None Thinking: One Trap For Perfectionists – Video

Sports Psychology Video

Sports Confidence Buster #6 Some of the greatest athletes ever are perfectionists including Tom Brady, Tiger Woods, and Serena Williams. So how did they get away with being perfectionists? Is perfectionism helpful? Is this part of the reason why these athletes are great or is perfectionism a thorn in their side? The best athletes are able to parlay … Sport Psychology Article…

Problems with Perfectionist Athletes

Sports Psychology Podcast

Advantages and Disadvantages of Perfectionism Today I’m introducing a new mental training series on the Top 10 Challenges of Perfectionism. Some of the greatest athletes ever are perfectionists including Tom Brady, Tiger Woods, and Serena Williams. So how did they get away with being perfectionists? Is this part of the reason why these athletes are great or is … Sport Psychology Article…

Athletes Who Are Stuck in a Practice Mindset – Video

Sports Psychology Video

Stop Practicing When You Compete Today on the Top 10 Challenges of Perfectionism Dr. Cohn talks about athletes who are stuck in a practice mindset when they compete. One of the characteristics of perfectionists is that they are very comfortable in their practice routines, but as comfortable in competition–for many different reasons. Watch the full video to learn … Sport Psychology Article…