Pregame Anxiety

How Kyrie Irving Copes With Pressure

Minimizing Pressure in Sports

How to Minimize Game Time Pressure Many times, athletes attribute poor performance to pressure and nervousness. These athletes often complain that their parents, coaches, or teammates put too much pressure on them. While parents and coaches create an environment of pressure, they are not the cause of pressure. The cause of pressure is when the athlete internalizes the … Sport Psychology Article…

Do You Use Mental Strategies To Get Ready Before Your Game?

Pregame Mental Preparation

6 Steps for Pregame Mental Preparation Do you know that the warm up routine is also a time to become mentally prepared for the game? What mental game strategies help you get mentally ready before a game? When I ask my athletes: what’s your pregame routine? Most will answer this by describing their physical warm up. In today’s … Sport Psychology Article…

How To Anticipate The Unexpected And Adjust

Overcoming The Unexpected

Expect The Unexpected If preparation and planning are the keys to success, what should an athlete do if something interrupts their plan? It happens all the time… You have trained as hard as you could for months and months preparing for some big competition… You have honed your strategy… You feel ready and confident… Then something unexpected occurs… … Sport Psychology Article…

Why Relaxation and Visualization Doesn’t Work for Athletes

Persistence and Relaxation

Why Visualization Is Overrated How do You Cope with Nerves? What do you or your athletes do when feeling nervous or scared before competition? Naturally, you want to relax so you can feel less nervous or tight, right? You or your athletes might use breathing, stretching, and mental rehearsal to cope better with pressure moments in competition. But … Sport Psychology Article…

Equestrian Confidence Video 5: Coping with Preshow Jitters – Video

Peak Sports Video of The Week

Coping With Preshow Jitters Mental coach, Dr. Patrick Cohn of  Peak Performance Sports helps equestrian athletes of all levels improve their mental game and performance. In this video, Dr. Cohn discusses how to cope with preshow jitters and focus on what’s important for equestrian athletes. He answers questions from riders about pressure, pregame jitters, over analysis, perfectionism, and other mental game challenges. Dr. Cohn answers … Sport Psychology Article…

Top Mental Game Challenges For Equestrian Athletes


Top Mental Game Challenges For Equestrian Athletes Mental coach, Dr. Patrick Cohn of  Peak Performance Sports  helps equestrian athletes of all level improve their mental game and performance. In this video Dr. Cohn addresses the top mental challenges of equestrian athletes. He discusses how equestrian riders sabotage themselves in the show ring with pregame jitters, over analysis, perfectionism, and other mental … Sport Psychology Article…