Smart Athletes

Smart athlete articles to improve mental toughness. Learn how to perform efficiently.

Breaking Through Plateaus for Athletes

Breaking Through Plateaus for Athletes

How to Keep Improving as an Athlete Have you heard the saying, “If you keep doing the same thing over and over, you will keep getting the same results”? The quote emphasizes that you must take a different approach or change your behavior if you want different results. At points in your athletic career, you will experience plateaus. … Sport Psychology Article…

4 Tips for Smart Athletes Who Over Analyze in Competition

Over Thinking in Competitions

Over Thinking During Competition Does being a smart athlete help you (or your players) perform better in competition? What do I mean by smart? You can consider two types of smarts for athletes: (1) Ability to critically analyze, and (2) game intelligence. You want #2 smarts: the ability to understand your sport and apply tactics and strategies to … Sport Psychology Article…