How Lucas Glover Used His Preshot Routine to Help Him Win

Preshot Routine

Benefits of Preshot Routines

Is your preshot routine inconsistent? Are you overcome with doubt, indecision, or distraction during your routine? If so, read on…

As you know, I’m a huge advocate of preshot routines in golf. As a matter of fact, I did my Ph.D. dissertation on preshot routines in golf when I was studying at The University of Virginia in the late 80s.

Why are routines so important? How you think during your preshot routine is critical to the success of a golf shot.

Most golfers assume a preshot routine is about the physical behaviors they do… A practice swing and how many looks and waggles you take prior to the shot.

But what you think during your preshot routine (mental routine) is the most critical aspect of your routines.

What are the objectives of a good preshot routine? I tell my golf students that a good preshot routine helps you stay focused in the present, make solid decisions, and harness a healthy dose of confidence when it’s time to execute the shot.

The 2009 US Open champion, Lucas Glover, discussed another role of your preshot routine – to deflect pressure or help you focus well when trying to finish off a good round.

When his nerves kicked in during the Open, what did he do to stay calm? He took comfort in his preshot routine…

“It was just deep breaths and just fall back on my routine. Preshot and pick a good target and just hit it. No swing thoughts under pressure, because there’s too much going on. You just pick a target, lock in on it and go. If you hit it there, fine. If you don’t, run up there and hit it again.”
~Lucas Glover

I love this quote from Glover because he talks about three critical components of a solid mental game:

  1. Use your routine to focus when under pressure.
  2. Don’t over think the shot with too many swing thoughts.
  3. Don’t get bent over the results of one marginal shot.

Many golfers I know would play a lot better if they would head these three messages.

If you want to learn my top secrets to a focused and pressure-deflecting preshot routine, I suggest you grab your copy of “The Golfer’s Mental Edge: An 8-Week Plan for Ultimate Golf Confidence” CD program–

The Golfer’s Mental Edge

In my new golf confidence program, you learn my top eight lessons I teach my personal coaching students including how to develop a mental preshot routine!

Your Golf Confidence Coach,

Dr. Patrick Cohn

p.s. You can begin the program right away because you can download the audio portion of the program immediately. But we’ll send you the CDs and workbook as well:

The Golfer’s Mental Edge

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Golfer’s Mental Edge

Golf Psychology CD

What’s the big sign that your mental game is the weak link in your golf game? When you can’t play consistently as well as when you play a practice or casual round–or your range game is way better than your game on the course. If you suffer from lack of focus, low self-confidence, poor composure or other mental game obstacles on the course, you can’t reach your true potential in golf.

The Golfer’s Mental Edge 2.0 Audio and Workbook program is ideal for any amateur, collegiate, junior, and tour professional golfer.

Golf coaches and instructors would also be wise to teach “The Golfer’s Mental Edge 2.0” principles to their players. This program is perfect for any golfer who wants to improve performance and consistency by managing their mind better on the course.

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