Using Mental Toughness Strategies to Stay Composed
In this week’s sports psychology podcast, mental game of sports expert Dr. Patrick Cohn interviews Andre Bekker, a professional cyclist and previously ranked #1 in the age category 50+ for the 70.3 Triathlon long distance.
A big challenge that triathletes face when on the bike leg is that they tend to worry about who is around them and very often get irritated with another person on the bike leg that keeps slowing down or passing them.
How do you have that composure when there is another biker on the bike leg trying to get into your head?
BEKKER: “I cannot think of a single race where that has not happened. That is one of the biggest challenges for people on the bike leg…”
It is very important to have those mental toughness tools that help you go back to being calm.
You may think to yourself, “What am I doing? I have a race plan.”
It is important to have those mental toughness tools to be able to completely ignore the competitor and focus on your own race.
Listen to this week’s podcast to learn what mental game tips Dr. Cohn and Andre Bekker give to triathletes when trying to stay composed on the bike leg when others are trying to pass or slowing you down:
Triathlete Confidence Workbook Program – Available TODAY!

If you are read to improve your mental toughness and perform with ultimate self-confidence in races, “Triathlete Confidence” will do just that.
Dr. Patrick Cohn and Andre Bekker (formerly ranked #1 in age category 50+ for 70.3 distance) share powerful metnal strategies to elp you perfrom your best in races.
“Triathlete Confidence: Mental Toughness Training For Peak Performance in Racing” is a complete workbook program of the TOP eight mental training sessions we teach our triathletes to help them boost racers’ mental game and improve consistency – from how to mentally prepare for races to performing under pressure with mental toughness.