Athletes and Perfectionism

Athletes and Perfectionism, Mental game lessons from a US Open winner and dealing with perfectionism

Wie’s Mental Game Lessons for Winning US Open

Mental Toughness

Wie’s Mental Toughness Michelle Wie won her first U.S. Women’s Open last Sunday, but not without more tension than Kaymer’s nine-shot victory the week before. After making a double on the 16th hole, Wie stated she was shaken. “It was pretty scary. I gave myself a nice heart attack,” Wie said. “I think I aged about 10 years … Sport Psychology Article…

Perfectionism in Gymnastics with Wendy Bruce-Martin

Sports Psychology Podcast

In this week’s sports psychology podcast, mental game of sports expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn and Olympian Wendy Bruce-Martin talk about the challenges of perfectionism in gymnastics. Dr. Cohn and Wendy discuss how perfectionism can be an asset but also an issue in gymnastics. Scoring in gymnastics is based on a perfect skill pushing gymnasts to a perfectionist mindset. … Sport Psychology Article…