Composure in Sports

Composure and sports psychology articles for athletes, performers, sports parents and team coaches.

One Strategy Russell Wilson Uses to Stay Mentally Sharp

Poised During Competition

How to Stay Poised During Competition Do you or your athletes perform well in pressure situations? When the heat is on do you rise to the occasion or crumble under the pressure? What makes some athletes perform at a high level during the heat of competition? Peak performers have the knack of staying calm when the pressure mounts. … Sport Psychology Article…

How to Keep Even Keeled During Competition

Keeping an Even Keel in Sports

Maintaining an Emotional Balance for Athletes It is not easy to control your emotions and maintain composure during a competition, although it’s extremely necessary if you are to continue developing your game… There are many things that can knock you off your game: “Even keel” refers to maintaining an emotional balance. An even keel is when you don’t … Sport Psychology Article…

Krzyzewski’s “Next Play” Philosophy For Letting Go of Mistakes

Moving on in Sports

How Athletes Can Overcome Mistakes One of the hardest things for any athlete is to move forward after a mistake and focus “in the moment.” Yet athletes are constantly told by coaches to forget about the last play, the previous point or the mistake that happened. Think about a time when, in the heat of battle, you made … Sport Psychology Article…

How To Prevent Self-Destruction When The Game Is On The Line

Poised Under Pressure

Poised Under Pressure A championship football team shared one common characteristic… they remained poised under pressure. Being poised and maintaining a sense of calm and control, minimize the negative effects of intense emotions. The more riding on a game, the more important it is to maintain your composure through the game. In fact, legendary former Cincinnati Bengal coach … Sport Psychology Article…

How To Improve Composure In Sports

Video Of The Week

The Composed Sports Kid In “Sessions with Doc,” Dr. Patrick Cohn answers your sports psychology and mental training questions about the key to composure in sports. Visit and click on contact us to submit your question for Dr. Cohn to answer in his mental game videocast or podcast. Do you have young athletes that get angry or … Sport Psychology Article…