Concentration in Sport

Concentration in Sport, articles to help improve your mental capacity in sports, principles to maximize performance

Gallwey’s Inner Game Principles for Performance

Dimensions For Athletes

High Performance Athletes About three years ago, I interviewed Tim Gallwey, the author of “The Inner Game” series, as I wanted his take on athlete high performance. Gallwey was a pioneer in mental game techniques in the 1970s. He started as a tennis coach, but realized his ideas applied to way more than sports… “At the time, I … Sport Psychology Article…

Practice Drills To Improve Concentration

Sharpen Your Focus! As a gift for the holidays, we have prepared a free eBook… You (or your athletes) will learn how to improve concentration using practice drills. The bonus eBook is titled: “Sharpen Your Focus: Practice Drills To Improve Concentration.” You can download my free practice drills to improve concentration below by clicking on the red download … Sport Psychology Article…