Confidence in Sports Tips

How to Be Confident Like Steph Curry

How to Be Proactive With Your Confidence

How to Be Proactive With Your Confidence After a loss or a couple bad games, does your confidence drop? Do you feel like you’re stuck and can’t pull yourself out? Are you thinking the next game will also be a struggle? Steph Curry, who’s probably my favorite athlete right now, has had a fairly rough post-season this year… … Sport Psychology Article…

How To Have Stable Confidence in Games

Sports Psychology Podcast

How to Maintain Confidence When Not Playing Well In this week’s sports psychology podcast, mental game of sports expert Dr. Patrick Cohn talks with Dr. Megan. Dr. Megan is new at Peak Performance Sports. She is the lead mental coach specializing in working with youth and high school athletes in various sports. In this podcast, they will answer … Sport Psychology Article…

How Volleyball Players Can Control Confidence

Self-Confidence in Volleyball

Do You Have Stable Self-Confidence in Volleyball? Confidence can be an elusive skill for a lot of athletes. It is one of the most important mental game components, and also one of the hardest to gain and maintain. Confidence can also impact other mental skills. For example, when confidence is fragile, it’s likely that you’ll be distracted easily … Sport Psychology Article…

Performing Well During Pressure Moments

Performing Well During Pressure Moments

Mental Preparation to Improve Focus in Big Games Have you ever had one of those make it or break it moments in your athletic career? The big moment, where the season all comes down to one play or one event, is one of the greatest pressure moments you will ever experience. Think of what an athlete experiences in … Sport Psychology Article…

How This Pro Bounces Back From a Bad Game

Bounce Back From Bad Performances

Maintaining Confidence After a Bad Performance Every athlete in every sport will have a bad performance. There are no exemptions from this rule… It is true for all athletes. Yes, it stinks… Yes, it is hard to take… And, yes, sometimes it happens at the most inopportune times… You can’t change that bad game, poor play, or shaky … Sport Psychology Article…