Confidence in Sports Tips

Is Your Athlete Able To Take Their Practice Game To Competition?

Sports Psychology Podcast

In this week’s sports psychology podcast, mental game of sports expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn, answers a question from a sports parent whose athlete holds back in competition. Her athlete plays aggressively and confidently in practice but holds back during competitions. Listen to this month’s sports psychology podcast to learn how to improve your performance in sports and other … Sport Psychology Article…

Effective Goal Setting for Athletes in the New Year

Setting Goals

Setting Goals Setting goals are an important part of structuring practice and improving the quality of your training for the new year. It is common for athletes I work with to have clear goals about what success they want to achieve in their sport. However, when it comes to training and practice sessions, many athletes do not have … Sport Psychology Article…

Tori Waldner Summer Training Leads to Confidence

Basketball Confidence

Building Confidence Confidence is that secret weapon that all athletes seek to add to their competitive arsenal.  Athletes understand that confidence is the key to perform optimally and unlock their potential.  The conundrum is this: Athletes believe that performing well aids their confidence but also that confidence is a requirement to perform well. Is it possible to build … Sport Psychology Article…

6 Fears That Destroy Confidence for Athletes

Are You, or Your Athletes, Afraid to Fail? More and more athletes I work with on the mental game come to me with fear of failure. Fear and fear of failure is a constant source of stress or anxiety that sabotages athletes’ mental game and performance. What Is Fear of Failure for Athletes?In sports, most of the fear … Sport Psychology Article…

Instilling Mental Toughness in the Chicago Bulls

Mental Toughness

Becoming Mentally Tough Can you coach a team, let alone an athlete to develop “mental toughness?”  When we think of teaching mental toughness, we conjure up images of football coaches driving their athletes during two-a-days in the heat of summer or basketball coaches running sprints at the end of practice until athletes are practically retch.  Developing mental toughness … Sport Psychology Article…