Confidence in Sports Tips

Can You “Enjoy” the Pain and Suffering of Competition?

Long Competitions

Do you Have the Mental Stamina to Fight to the End? Is your fitness strong enough to endure a five-hour battle so that you don’t lose your mental focus? Are you mentally able to push past the physical pain when your body is telling you it’s out of gas? I loved the feeling of a close, hard-fought competition … Sport Psychology Article…

Athletes Who Have The Skill But Lack Confidence

Sports Psychology Podcast

In this week’s sports psychology podcast, mental game of sports expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn, answers a question from a sports parent who says his son is good at all sports and has the potential to be great, but lacks confidence, and is scared of making mistakes. Learn how to overcome fear of failure and perform with confidence in … Sport Psychology Article…

Loss of Confidence After Switching Sports

Sports Psychology Podcast

In this week’s sports psychology podcast, mental game of sports expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn, answers a question from an athlete who recently switched from Rugby to American Football. Suddenly he has lost confidence and is afraid to fail. Learn how to perform with confidence when switching sports, playing in a new position, or learning a new technique! Listen … Sport Psychology Article…

Optimize Your Confidence in Sports with Mental Coach Paul Ashbrook

Sports Psychology Podcast

Mental game of sports expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn interviews mental coach Paul Ashbrook, who works with top 25 men’s golf team at University of San Diego. Paul Ashbrook helps athletes optimize their performance and enjoyment in sports. Dr. Cohn and Paul discuss mental barriers for athletes and the importance of confidence. Listen to this month’s sports psychology podcast … Sport Psychology Article…

Proactive vs. Reactive Self-Confidence – Webinar 2

Video Of The Week

Dr. Cohn and NFL player JJ Birden teach you how to take greater control of your confidence instead of waiting for your performance to click. You will learn how to have proactive confidence rather than reactive confidence in your sport. Dr. Cohn and JJ Birden give you mental strategies to build confidence in order to get the best … Sport Psychology Article…

Why Learning a New Technique Can Reduce Confidence

Sports Psychology Podcast

In this week’s sports psychology podcast, mental game of sports expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn, answers a question from a sport-parent regarding his 15 year old daughter who has been asked to change her technique and as a result, has lost confidence. Mental game coach Dr. Cohn helps parents and athletes understand the challenges of recieving conflicting instruction from … Sport Psychology Article…