Confidence in Sports Tips

Why Learning a New Technique Can Reduce Confidence

Sports Psychology Podcast

In this week’s sports psychology podcast, mental game of sports expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn, answers a question from a sport-parent regarding his 15 year old daughter who has been asked to change her technique and as a result, has lost confidence. Mental game coach Dr. Cohn helps parents and athletes understand the challenges of recieving conflicting instruction from … Sport Psychology Article…

The Confidence Rollercoaster is No Fun for Athletes

Confidence in Sports

Sports – at any level – is a game of confidence. When you have it, your skills shine. When confidence sinks, you don’t perform up to your capabilities. But confidence for many athletes is too fragile or fleeting in my opinion. Too many athletes allow their confidence to go up or down rapidly based upon immediate results and … Sport Psychology Article…

Confidence vs Arrogance: An Interview with Steve Siebold

Sports Psychology Podcast

In this week’s sports psychology podcast, mental game of sports expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn interviews former tennis professional Steve Siebold on mental toughness secrets. Steve Siebold and Dr. Cohn discuss the difference between being confident and arrogance. They talk about how confidence is one of the common factors among all world class athletes. Learn the importance of having … Sport Psychology Article…

NFL Player JJ Birden on Overcoming Adversity and Size

Sports Psychology Podcast

In this week’s sports psychology podcast, mental game of sports expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn interviews JJ Birden, former NFL wide receiver who played for 9 years. Dr. Cohn and JJ Birden talk about mental toughness in football and what the top players possess. Learn how to block out distractions and recover from mistakes. Learn how JJ overcame adversity … Sport Psychology Article…

How Confidence and Trust Supercharge Your Mental Game

Fearless Athlete CD

Do you (or athletes you coach) excel in practice, but freeze up in competition? Do you have a hard time just being free or flow in competition? Freezing up (or what I call lack of trust) in competition is a common challenge for many athletes. If you tighten up and control your performance in competition, you lack trust … Sport Psychology Article…

How to Win Big – Sports Insights May 2009

Winning Big in Sports

Winning Big With Momentum How big do you have to win by for the game to be classified as a route? What qualifies as a mega route in sports? Does momentum play a role in a huge route? What’s the attitude you or your team needs to perform your best every play, not give up a huge lead … Sport Psychology Article…