Confidence in Sports Tips

A Slump-Busting Secret Weapon: The Confident Athlete CD Sports Psychology Programs

Shooter Slump Busting

Slump-Busting Strategies I love the satisfaction of helping athletes get the most out of their ability using slump-busting strategies and mental game coaching, especially athletes from across the globe who may be in a performance slump… Cypress National shooter Mario Kapodistrias was in a performance slump with his shooting for a couple years. His under performance punished his self-confidence … Sport Psychology Article…

Mental Toughness And Self-Confidence in Sports

Self Talk in Sports

Why You Should Avoid Negative Self-Talk I recently worked with a high school athlete who was plagued by those nasty inner gremlins. You know the type “ that little guy or gal inside your head what would not shut up and kept asking irrelevant questions. This kept my student from developing confidence and playing to his full potential. … Sport Psychology Article…

Sports Psychology and Athlete’s Fear of Failure

Fear of Failure

What is Wrong With The Fear of Failure? One of my mental coaching students, Joe (not his real name) had a unique gift (or so he thought). Since he was overly concerned with what other people thought (coach, teammates, parents, spectators, etc.) about his performance, he often engaged in a process I call mind reading when performing. While … Sport Psychology Article…

Get Self-Confidence – Keep Sports Confidence

Tiger Wood's Confidence

Are You on The Self-Confidence Roller Coaster in Sports? Many athletes allow their confidence to be thrashed around by immediate results and circumstances.What do I mean by the confidence roller coaster? I am talking about the athlete who loses confidence easily or has fragile confidence based on his immediate results. With each shot, play, or point, his confidence … Sport Psychology Article…