Confidence in Sports Tips

How to Perform Big in Pressure Moments

How to Perform Big in Pressure Moments

Do you Contribute to Pressure During Competitions? It’s interesting to think about how we contribute to pressure. Pressure doesn’t merely exist; it is shaped by our thoughts and feelings about competing in certain situations. Pressure is a personal experience, and your relationship to pressure impacts your anxiety and performance levels. What affects your relationship with pressure? *Belief – … Sport Psychology Article…

Mindset for Playing in Tough Conditions

Mindset for Playing in Tough Conditions

Facing the Worst Conditions in a Competition Were you able to concentrate on competing, or did the weather or arena mentally affect your performance? Wind, rain, snow, excessive heat, frigid temperatures, and glaring sun can affect playing surfaces and competition conditions. It is challenging to be your best when weather conditions are not optimal. But why do some … Sport Psychology Article…

What Keeps You From Taking Risk

Mindset for Taking Risks

Do you Take Risks to Help you Succeed in your Sport? Does fear or making mistakes or lack of confidence with a new skill prevent you from taking risks? We’re not talking about unhealthy or dangerous risks, but those tough challenges that push you towards greater heights… Risk-taking means pushing your limits, getting out of your comfort zone, … Sport Psychology Article…

Do You Embrace Intra-Team Competition

Embrace Team Competition

Nervous Competing Against Teammates in Practice? Coaches create competition scenarios in practice and training sessions to improve the team’s ability to perform under pressure and shape each player’s competitive mindset. Competing in practice makes competing in tournaments and games more appealing. Instead of becoming nervous, you feel more confident. You make fewer mistakes.  You take more risks and … Sport Psychology Article…