Dealing with Expectations

Dealing with Expectations, articles and tips for competitive athletes, sports parents, coaches, and performers to improve performance

Dufner Learns To Overcome High Expectations

High Expectations in Golf

High Expectations In Golf Do you feel pressured to live up to the expectations of others? Do you feel you constantly let down others because of your play during golf tournaments? Expectations can erode your love for the game and wreak havoc on your performance… but you didn’t always feel the pressure of high expectations. Remember when you … Sport Psychology Article…

How to Manage Perfectionist’s Expectations

Managing Expectations

Perfectionism In Sports Many athletes believe the pursuit of perfection is critical for success. These athletes feel the quest for perfection results in better and better performances. But does perfectionism improve performance? Striving for perfection in practice, yes. Trying to perform perfectly, no… The need to perform perfectly creates a tremendous amount of stress for athletes. Perfectionists are … Sport Psychology Article…

Sports Confidence-Killer 1: High Expectations

High Expectations in Sports

How to Improve Your Confidence In any sport, confidence is the #1 mental game skill that helps you (or your athletes) succeed. How you prepare before competition, react to mistakes, cope with adversity, and internalize others comments, can make or break your confidence. And if you’re a coach or parent, you play a critical role in helping your … Sport Psychology Article…