
Equestrian Confidence Video 3: Using Mental Skills in Practice

Peak Sports Video of The Week

Using Mental Skills in Practice Mental coach, Dr. Patrick Cohn of  Peak Performance Sports  helps equestrian athletes of all level improve their mental game and performance. In this video, Dr. Cohn addresses the top mental game challenges for equestrian athletes. He answers questions from riders about pressure, pregame jitters, over analysis, perfectionism, and other mental game challenges. Visit Equestrian Confidence and Download his free report: “8 Costly … Sport Psychology Article…

Equestrian Confidence Video 2: Performing Under Pressure

Peak Sports Video of The Week

Performing Under Pressure Mental coach, Dr. Patrick Cohn of  Peak Performance Sports  helps equestrian athletes of all level improve their mental game and performance. In this video, Dr. Cohn addresses the top mental game challenges for equestrian athletes. He answers questions from riders about pressure, pregame jitters, over analysis, perfectionism, and other mental game challenges. Visit Equestrian Confidence and Download his free report: “8 Costly Mistakes Equestrians … Sport Psychology Article…

Top Mental Game Challenges For Equestrian Athletes


Top Mental Game Challenges For Equestrian Athletes Mental coach, Dr. Patrick Cohn of  Peak Performance Sports  helps equestrian athletes of all level improve their mental game and performance. In this video Dr. Cohn addresses the top mental challenges of equestrian athletes. He discusses how equestrian riders sabotage themselves in the show ring with pregame jitters, over analysis, perfectionism, and other mental … Sport Psychology Article…