Athlete Expectations

Managing athlete expectations articles for competitive athletes, sports parents, coaches, and performers to improve performance.

How to Play Well When You Feel Uncomfortable


Are You a Perfectionist? Does your performance suffer when you’re not “on,” you feel uncomfortable, or don’t have your “A” game that day? Do you struggle with staying determined and grinding out the competition if your game is off or the competition is too strong? At an extreme level, I work with perfectionists that have trouble staying composed … Sport Psychology Article…

How Pressure Causes Mental Game Woes and Lack of Fun

Golf Pressure

Are You Feeling Pressured in Your Sport? Not playing what you think is your “A” game can suck the fun right out of golf… Many of my golf students want to play well too badly. They then tighten up and actually play much worse! I see this pattern all the time…. You work your tail off, expect a … Sport Psychology Article…