Focus and Concentration for Athletes

Focus and concentration articles for athletes and performers to improve mental skills in sports

How This Pro Bounces Back From a Bad Game

Bounce Back From Bad Performances

Maintaining Confidence After a Bad Performance Every athlete in every sport will have a bad performance. There are no exemptions from this rule… It is true for all athletes. Yes, it stinks… Yes, it is hard to take… And, yes, sometimes it happens at the most inopportune times… You can’t change that bad game, poor play, or shaky … Sport Psychology Article…

How to Let Go of Mistakes and End Dwelling

Moving on From Mistakes

Why Focusing on Mistakes Keeps You Stuck Mistakes can haunt athletes and turn into more mistakes. But it’s not the mistake that hurts performances–it’s your memory or dwelling on a mistake that hurts your performance. Once the mistake is done, it should be done, but hard to do for many perfectionist athletes. Unfortunately, the past is no longer … Sport Psychology Article…

How to Cope With Trash Talkers in Sports

Mental Toughness

Staying Focused When Opponents Are Trash Talking Have negative remarks, whether it’s trash-talking or a negative comment from your opponent, ever distracted you? You are not alone… In every sport, mental warfare occurs and its sole objective is to get into your head, interrupt your focus, and mess with your performance. There are countless examples of trash talk … Sport Psychology Article…

4 Steps to Regain Momentum When You Don’t Have It

Momentum in Sports

Mental Game Strategies to Find Momentum What is momentum in sports? When an athlete talks about momentum, they are describing the mental phenomena of being on a roll or having a higher level of confidence… Unfortunately, when an athlete attributes failure to a lack of momentum, they often doom themselves to a bad performance before it is even … Sport Psychology Article…

How Over Generalizations Keep Athletes Stuck

Present Focus

How to Focus in The Moment It’s very easy for athletes to dwell on the past and carry it into the present, especially if their performance was not ideal. When athletes dwell on past performances, they tend to feel less confident. They also worry that the same mistakes will repeat themselves. When you are focused on the past, … Sport Psychology Article…

How to Focus When Coach is Yelling – Video

Video Of The Week

Coaches Who Distract Athletes by Yelling In “Sports Psychology Sessions with Doc,” Dr. Patrick Cohn answers a question from Mark about dealing with coaches who constantly yell instructions during games. What can you do if your athlete is highly confused by a coach that wants to yell constant instructions during games? Mark wrote in and said: “How do … Sport Psychology Article…