Focus and Concentration for Athletes

How to Focus When Coach is Yelling – Video

Video Of The Week

Coaches Who Distract Athletes by Yelling In “Sports Psychology Sessions with Doc,” Dr. Patrick Cohn answers a question from Mark about dealing with coaches who constantly yell instructions during games. What can you do if your athlete is highly confused by a coach that wants to yell constant instructions during games? Mark wrote in and said: “How do … Sport Psychology Article…

How to Counter The Upset When Playing an Underdog

Sports Psychology

Controlling Your Focus in Games Athletes under perform all the time in sports… Sometimes when you play against a team or opponent with a lower rank, you may underestimate them to take the game too lightly. In a tournament elimination format, you may look past that lower ranked opponent and focus on your next match-up or a more … Sport Psychology Article…

How Athletes Cope With Internal And External Distractions – Video

Video Of The Week

How to Stay Focused During Competition In “Sports Psychology Sessions with Doc,” Dr. Patrick Cohn answers a question from Judith who wants to know how she can overcome external distractions during competition. Judith said:“I’m distracted during league play… Loud talking, people moving in my line of sight, loud music, all those things. I don’t like it because it … Sport Psychology Article…

How to Overcome a Losing Streak in Sports

Overcoming a Losing Streak

What is The Key to Breaking a Losing Streak? Losing streaks come in a couple forms: a number of consecutive losses to several teams or the inability to beat one particular team over a long period of time. Whichever type of losing streak you might have experienced, it can have a devastating effect on how you approach a … Sport Psychology Article…