Focus and Concentration for Athletes

Focus and concentration articles for athletes and performers to improve mental skills in sports

How Elite Athletes Develop Mental Skills

How Elite Athletes Develop Mental Skills

How Can You Take Your Game to the Next Level? Basketball players spend hours in the gym taking hundreds of shots. Football players hit the weight room and bench, squat, and dead lift to build physical strength. Golfers tweak their mechanics to find just the right swing. Extra practice and technique refinement help build an athlete’s confidence. Yet, … Sport Psychology Article…

How Elite Athletes Combat Worry

How Elite Athletes Combat Worry

Do Worrisome Thoughts Affect How you Perform? Do you tend to worry about letting your teammates down or having a bad game? Athletes who worry think too much about past poor performances or possible negative future results. Worrying about something that has yet to happen interferes with an athlete’s ability to perform at their peak. For example, an … Sport Psychology Article…

How Elite Athletes Move on From the Past

How Elite Athletes Move on From the Past

Do Mistakes and Losses Affect you Mentally? Are you still reliving a past game or a disappointing season? Nothing hurts performance quite as much as reliving mistakes, bad games, or unfortunate results. Focusing on yesterday or even the last minute interferes with your ability to pay attention to the present. When your attention is divided between the past … Sport Psychology Article…

How to Break Free From Losing Streaks 

How to Break Free From Losing Streaks

What is Keeping You Stuck in A Losing Streak? A slump or losing streak starts as nothing unusual. Every athlete and team occasionally experiences bad games or unproductive performances. So, what turns a few bad games into a performance rut? What commonalities trap a player or team in a cycle of under performance? If you can identify a … Sport Psychology Article…

A Mindset for Success

A Mindset for Success

Winning Mindset for Elite Athletes Have you ever wondered why some athletes succeed despite challenges and adversity while other athletes fall apart when encountering similar circumstances? The difference between these two types of athletes is mindset. A lot has been written on the topic of mindset. Mindset receives so much attention because of its profound impact on athletic … Sport Psychology Article…