Focus and Concentration for Athletes

How Elite Athletes Use Visualization 

How Elite Athletes Use Visualization

Do you Visualize your Athletic Performances? Is visualization a consistent component of your training regimen? Most athletes answer “no” to both of these questions. But why do so many athletes ignore visualizing performance, even after many elite, Olympic, and professional athletes attribute their success to this particular mental skill? Several reasons exist for athletes not visualizing on a … Sport Psychology Article…

The Qualities of Good Team Leaders

The Qualities of Good Team Leaders

What Are the Qualities of an Effective Team Leader? Team captains are either selected by their coaches or voted upon by the players. However, not all team captains are good team leaders. Sometimes, team captains talk the talk but don’t walk the walk. For example, a lazy team captain in practice might get on his teammates for being … Sport Psychology Article…

Athletes Who Make Comparisons – Video

Peak Sports Video of The Week

Do you often compare yourself to other competitors and then create expectations or feel less confident in your skills? Watch this video to learn how to stop making comparisons to your competitors and stay focused only on your warm-up and performance. Related Sports Psychology Videos *Subscribe to The Sports Psychology Podcast on iTunes*Subscribe to The Sports Psychology Podcast on Spotify*Subscribe … Sport Psychology Article…

Mindset Tips for Playoffs

Mindset Tips for Playoffs

What is Your Mindset During a Playoff Series? Are your emotions dictated by winning or losing? Many players ride the roller coaster of emotions during a playoff series. When they win, they feel emotionally energized. When they lose, they feel deflated and anxious. Likewise, if players had a better-than-average performance, they expect to be on top of their … Sport Psychology Article…

Why Choking Hurts Athletic Performance

Why Choking Hurts Athletic Performance

No One Wants to be Labeled a “Choker.” Some athletes use the term “choking” to describe athletes who crumble under pressure. For example, the basketball player who misses two free throws with seconds left in the game and down by one point. Or the baseball closer who melts down in the 9th inning and gives up four runs … Sport Psychology Article…

How Preparation Boosts Confidence

How Preparation Boosts Confidence

Do You See Yourself as a Confident Athlete? Does your confidence go up and down throughout the season? For many athletes, confidence is dependent upon their circumstances or opponents. When these athletes compete against lower-ranked opponents, they “feel” confident. When their chances of success are high, they “feel” confident. However, when they face undefeated opponents or competitors they … Sport Psychology Article…