Focus and Concentration for Athletes

Focus and concentration articles for athletes and performers to improve mental skills in sports

Rebounding After a Bad Performance


Not Letting One Bad Game Define Your Skills How long does it take you to get over a loss or poor performance? Hours? Days? Weeks? The longer you ruminate about a bad game or lackluster performance, the more it becomes embedded in your mind. Reliving a bad game is like training your mind for a repeat performance. When you mentally … Sport Psychology Article…

How to Build Mental Toughness

Hockey Psychology

Mindset Training to Perform at Your Best What is the opposite of mental toughness? The counter to mental toughness is mental fragility. The mentally fragile athlete tends to experience apprehension in big moments, become overwhelmed when playing tough competition, and feel inadequate compared to other athletes. Mentally fragile athletes are anxious even before the competition starts and have … Sport Psychology Article…

Staying Motivated in Your Sport

Shooter's Mindset

How to Perform at Your Best What motivates you to perform your best in competition? What sources of motivation give you that extra boost to push in practice and training? Without motivation, you won’t accomplish much in your sport. Competing at a high level requires you to fuel your motivational tank continually. It is interesting to note that motivation … Sport Psychology Article…

How to Focus Better During Competition

The Benefits of Mental Game Training

How Athletes Can Improve Concentration What are the most important factors you can control to perform well in competition? The answer is focus, effort, preparation, emotional reactions, and attitude. Those five factors are the only aspects of performance that you can control. When you try to control aspects of performance outside of your direct control, you become worried … Sport Psychology Article…

Your Mental Game and Performance Slumps

Focus in Sports

Develop a Growth Mindset Are you going through a long-term slump? Are you holding back or playing tentatively due to your performance slump? Slumps are aggravating, frustrating and unnerving. Sometimes, a slump in one area of your game affects your entire game, further compounding the issue. For example, you are in the middle of a long slump and … Sport Psychology Article…

How to Develop a Clutch Mindset

clutch vs. choke mindset

Do You Clutch or Choke as an Athlete? Why do some athletes deliver in competition while other athletes choke under pressure? Do you see yourself as a clutch athlete or an athlete that chokes under pressure? Choking is something that many athletes struggle with. Choking can prevent you from excelling in competitions and reaching your athletic potential. Many … Sport Psychology Article…