Golf Psychology Articles

Golf psychology articles for golfers to improve confidence and focus on the course.

Building Confidence for Athletes: Tips from Experts

Building Confidence for Athletes: Tips from Experts

What is the Key to Having Game-Changing Confidence? Some athletes seem to ooze confidence. They appear unfazed during championship games, in the final minutes of a contest, or when trailing late in a game. Why do these athletes have unwavering confidence? Is there something in their DNA that generates confidence? Confidence is unequivocally not genetic. If you believe … Sport Psychology Article…

Mental Strategies to Become the Best Athlete Possible

Mental Strategies to Become the Best Athlete Possible

How Do You Achieve Your Athletic Potential? More importantly, what holds an athlete back from reaching their potential? When athletes are young, they are motivated by their successes. These young athletes search for ways to improve their games. They work on technique, push themselves in practice and training, and take advantage of every opportunity to lift their game … Sport Psychology Article…

How to Improve Your Preshot Routine

Grow Confidence Athletes

Top Mistakes Golfers Make With Preshot Routines How many times has indecision and self-doubt interfered with playing good shots? Spending extra time standing over the ball questioning your shot strategy, thinking of last second adjustments and possible outcomes is a surefire method to interfere with making a good swing. When you overthink, over-analyze or have too many swing … Sport Psychology Article…

How to Use Mistakes to Improve Performance

How to Use Mistakes to Improve Performance

Focus on Mistakes to Learn From Them There is a fine line between recognizing and dwelling on mistakes. You need to be able to identify miscues or missed opportunities from a competition to learn from them. The key is how long you think about those mistakes. Let’s look at the following scenario. Bob G. is a freshman collegiate … Sport Psychology Article…