High Expectations in Golf

High Expectations in Golf, articles and tips for competitive athletes, sports parents, coaches, and performers to improve performance

Dufner Learns To Overcome High Expectations

High Expectations in Golf

High Expectations In Golf Do you feel pressured to live up to the expectations of others? Do you feel you constantly let down others because of your play during golf tournaments? Expectations can erode your love for the game and wreak havoc on your performance… but you didn’t always feel the pressure of high expectations. Remember when you … Sport Psychology Article…

Do You Have Unrealistic Expectations in Golf?

Golf Psychology Podcast

Dr. Patrick Cohn, golf psychology expert and author of the “Golfer’s Mental Edge” CD program, teaches amateur to tour professional golfers how to improve their mental game of golf using golf psychology strategies developed over the last 20 years of his career. In this week’s golf psychology session, mental game of golf expert and author of The Mental … Sport Psychology Article…

High Expectations Can Lead to Frustration

Golf Psychology Podcast

Dr. Cohn Dr. Patrick Cohn, golf psychology expert and author of the “Golfer’s Mental Edge” CD program, teaches amateur to tour professional golfers how to improve their mental game of golf using golf psychology strategies developed over the last 20 years of his career. In this week’s golf psychology session, mental game of golf expert and author of … Sport Psychology Article…