Letting Go Of Mistakes In Sports

How to manage mistakes articles for competitive athletes, sports parents, coaches, and performers to improve performance.

3 Ways to Quickly Rebound from Mistakes

How to Turn Mistakes Into Success

Don’t Let One Mistake Affect Your Performance Does making a mistake affect your performance in competition? Maybe you can refocus and be your best for the rest of the competition. Or possibly, one mistake turns into another and your performance spirals downward. The thought of that mistake or the consequences of that mistake take the focus away from … Sport Psychology Article…

Don’t Let Adversity Affect Your Game in Sports

Sports Psychology Podcast

The Sports Psychology Podcast Are you an athlete who struggles with adversity or fear of failure in competition? Many athletes spend too much time dwelling on their mistakes, feeling that past mistakes define their future play. When too much pressure is placed on winning, rather than on improvement, sports can start feeling like work rather than fun, especially … Sport Psychology Article…

Why Athletes Worry too Much About What Others Think – Video

Sports Psychology Video

Avoid Outcome Thinking. Do you or your athletes worry too much about what others think of your performance?   Athletes often get preoccupied with what we call “outcome thinking,” and play too safely or cautiously as a result. One way you might think about the outcome is worrying about disappointing others if you make mistakes… In this week’s … Sport Psychology Article…

Why It’s Okay for Athletes to Fail

Mistake in the Game

How to Avoid the Perfectionist Mindset Mistakes and mishaps are an inescapable part of all sports. No matter how hard you try to avoid them, errors will happen during competitions. Even the best athletes in the world are not immune to mistakes: –Pro tennis players hit unforced errors late in matches.–MLB baseball players strike out with runners in … Sport Psychology Article…

How to Cope With Mistakes Like This Pro

Letting Go of Mistakes in Competition

Letting Go of Mistakes in Competition Every athlete makes mistakes… It’s part of sports. Think of how many times you have seen an elite figure skater trip over their own skate, under-rotate on an easy jump, or forget their program? Or a veteran baseball player get caught taking a fastball right over the plate with the bases loaded, … Sport Psychology Article…

How Athletes Bounce Back From Defeat

How Athletes Bounce Back From Defeat

Moving Past Missed Opportunities in Competition A missed potential game-winning shot does NOT define you… A fall during a major competition does NOT define you… A dropped ball in a playoff game does NOT define you… A false start at Nationals does NOT define you… A game-ending mistake against your biggest rival does NOT define you. Missed opportunities … Sport Psychology Article…