Mental Game Coaching

Mental game coaching articles for competitive athletes, sports parents, coaches, and performers to improve performance.

Mental Game Coach During the Pandemic

Mental Game Coach During the Pandemic

How a Mental Game Coach Can Help You What can a Mental Game Coach do for you during the COVID-19 pandemic? Many athletes no longer feel like athletes since they are not training or competing. You may ask, “Why should I work on my mental game if I’m not competing?” During the pandemic is when you need support … Sport Psychology Article…

What is Mental Game Coaching?

Sports Psychology Podcast

What is The Success Rate With Mental Coaching? In this week’s sports psychology podcast, mental game of sports expert, Dr. Patrick Cohn, answers mental game questions in Sessions With Doc. We get a lot of questions about doing mental coaching and what mental coaching is all about. There are some myths and misconceptions out there so I would … Sport Psychology Article…

Steps to Achieving Your Athletic Goals and Success

Achieving Athletic Goals

What Are Your Goals In Your Sport? What is your vision for yourself as an athlete? What are the goals you want to accomplish? More importantly, how do you plan to get to a place you have yet to reach? All athletes have big dreams… Many athletes have created goals they would like to accomplish for the competitive … Sport Psychology Article…

Education Helps Athletes Accept Mental Training


How can you convince potential clients that it is worthwhile for them to spend time and money working with a mental coach to improve their game? This is a question an MGCP asked recently…. My answer: It’s hard to “convince” athletes and coaches they need mental game coaching unless they see a need for it. What’s the number … Sport Psychology Article…

Benefits of Personal Mental Game Coaching

Mental Coaching

Are You Interested in Mental Game Coaching? I just returned from a short vacation last week with my wife and two daughters — ages four and 12. We spent a few days hiking in the Adirondack Mountains located in upstate New York. It’s good to take a break now and then and come back with a fresh perspective–in … Sport Psychology Article…

Mental Coach Mastermind Program – Questions Answered

Master Mind

Mastermind Coaching Programs Q&A OK, so I’ve had a bunch of questions about my new mastermind coaching program for mental game coaches. I’m going to share my answers with you today… *Who can enroll in the mastermind group? Any mental game expert who already works with athletes but wants to learn from others about how to improve credibility, … Sport Psychology Article…