Mental Toughness Classes

Mental toughness classes and articles for competitive athletes, sports parents, coaches, and performers to improve performance.

Mental Game Lessons from John Wooden

Basketball Confidence

What’s the Most Important Skills for Athletes to Possess? Anthony Robbins sent me an interview he did with the legendary basketball coach John Wooden, who recently passed away at age 99. This was one of the best interviews Wooden gave, according to Robbins. Today, I want to share with you something that Wooden said that I think is profound… … Sport Psychology Article…

How to Be and Effective Mental Game Coach


Mental Game Coaching Professional Program I’ve receive a lot of questions from both sports psychology students and professionals who want to do mental coaching with athletes. Here’s a recent example: “I completed my MS in sport psychology and am currently finishing my doctorate in clinical psychology. I’m wondering if you have any tips that would help me get … Sport Psychology Article…

Credibility Factors as a Mental Game Coach


Mental Game Coaching Professionals Your credibility as a mental game coach is critical to your coaching success. Many budding mental coaches ask me if having a higher degree, such as a Ph.D. in education or psychology is important to credibility. It’s not as important as you may think, but establishing yourself as a credible mental game coach will … Sport Psychology Article…

Mental Coaches: Why Athletes Assume Focus is to Blame


Mental Game Coaching Professionals Do your athletes assume that their focus is to blame for their mental errors or lack of performance? We know that concentration (or mental focus) is critical for maximum performance. But many of my athletes think lack of focus is to blame for making mental mistakes and not ultimately playing to their potential. Allow … Sport Psychology Article…

Sports Psychology and Playing Well in the Big Game

Athletic Focus

What Should You be Focusing on Before a Big Game? Do you or your athletes train year around for a couple big competitions? Do you or your team perform at your peak levels in the big game? Why do some athletes rise to the occasion, whereas others fold under the pressure of big games? Mentally tough athletes raise … Sport Psychology Article…

Mental Toughness Classes For Athletes with Fragile Self-Confidence

Confidence in Sports

How Fragile is Your Confidence? Do you or your athletes enter competition without a full dose of confidence? Does confidence waver easily in the opening moments of competition? As I work more and more with athletes, I realize just how fragile confidence can be for some… One student said: “If I make one or two mistakes in the … Sport Psychology Article…