Mental Toughness in Golf

Mental Toughness in Golf articles and tips for competitive athletes, sports parents, coaches, and performers to improve performance.

8 Steps To Improve Consistency In Your Golf Game

Consistency in Golf

What Are The Keys To Playing Consistent Golf? There is common sentiment among young golfers, “Some days I play great, then I play horribly in the next tournament.” Consistency in your golf game is the key to getting to the next level. The problem is that most golfers cannot point to the reason for their inconsistent play. Without … Sport Psychology Article…

Horschel’s Mental Keys To Winning Golf

Poised Under Pressure

What Happens When You Miss An Important Putt? When you miss a critical putt, how does it affect your next shot? Are you able to regain your composure after a bad tournament, hole or shot? Can you recall a time when your golf game unraveled after a bad hole? Did you become angry or frustrated? You probably experienced … Sport Psychology Article…