Mental Toughness

How to Win Big – Sports Insights May 2009

Winning Big in Sports

Winning Big With Momentum How big do you have to win by for the game to be classified as a route? What qualifies as a mega route in sports? Does momentum play a role in a huge route? What’s the attitude you or your team needs to perform your best every play, not give up a huge lead … Sport Psychology Article…

Mental Game Success Stories with The Confident Athlete Series

The Confident Athlete

The Confident Athlete CD and Workbook Series Do you or your athletes need a mental game overhaul or just a tune up? Allow me to explain…. I think you will agree that the mental game is critical to an athlete’s or team’s success….In fact, many of the top athletes in the world believe that a strong mental game … Sport Psychology Article…

A Slump-Busting Secret Weapon: The Confident Athlete CD Sports Psychology Programs

Shooter Slump Busting

Slump-Busting Strategies I love the satisfaction of helping athletes get the most out of their ability using slump-busting strategies and mental game coaching, especially athletes from across the globe who may be in a performance slump… Cypress National shooter Mario Kapodistrias was in a performance slump with his shooting for a couple years. His under performance punished his self-confidence … Sport Psychology Article…

Mental Toughness And Self-Confidence in Sports

Self Talk in Sports

Why You Should Avoid Negative Self-Talk I recently worked with a high school athlete who was plagued by those nasty inner gremlins. You know the type “ that little guy or gal inside your head what would not shut up and kept asking irrelevant questions. This kept my student from developing confidence and playing to his full potential. … Sport Psychology Article…

Applying Mental Toughness Daily is Not Easy

Mental Toughness

How to Apply Mental Toughness to Your Game Sports psychology experts often talk about the importance of learning mental toughness to improve your performance. However, my 15 years of teaching the mental game to students makes me think that understanding mental toughness skills is not the whole enchilada. To be successful with mental toughness training, athletes must learn … Sport Psychology Article…

Competitive Self-Confidence Really Matters

Self Confidence

The Importance of Self-Confidence Sports self-confidence is the number one mental skill that your young athlete must possess to be successful in sports and life! Self-doubt is the number one mental barrier that blocks athletes from success in sports and life. Having high levels of confidence is so important that I spend most of my time teaching students … Sport Psychology Article…