Positive Mindset in Sports

Positive mindset articles for competitive athletes, sports parents, coaches, and performers to improve performance.

Learn to “Give It Your All” During Competition

effort in basketball

How to Stay Focused to Finish Strong Have you ever finished a competition and had regrets about your lack of effort? It’s one thing to lose, but it is a bitter pill to swallow when you lost and know you didn’t give it your all. When you lose, it’s not always your fault. Many contributing factors impact the … Sport Psychology Article…

How to Play More Confidently in Sports

How to Play More Confidently in Sports

Focusing on The Positives of Your Performance Have you been disappointed after a game because you lost, or thought you played poorly? Do you recognize your performance as either good or bad? Do you give yourself credit where credit is due? Australia lost to France on Saturday 2-1 in their World Cup opener. Though, the team seemed to … Sport Psychology Article…

How to Overcome Negative Thinking And Beliefs

Positive Thinking

Focusing on Positive Outcomes Rather Than Negative “I can’t!” “I stink!” “Why do I always mess up?” “I will never beat her.” How many times have these thoughts crossed your mind during a competition? Negative self-labels or beliefs are one reason for falling short of your goals and your potential in sports. Why do so many athletes get … Sport Psychology Article…

Rory McIlroy Improves Putting with a New Mindset

Mental Strength

How McIlroy Overcame Putting Woes Your mindset, or your attitudes and beliefs about your ability to perform in a wide range of circumstances, shapes everything concerning your golf game. Mindset affects how you play when you are: under pressure, leading a tournament, facing adversity, injured, having a bad day on the greens, etc. A negative mindset may make … Sport Psychology Article…

How to Overcome a Losing Streak in Sports

Overcoming a Losing Streak

What is The Key to Breaking a Losing Streak? Losing streaks come in a couple forms: a number of consecutive losses to several teams or the inability to beat one particular team over a long period of time. Whichever type of losing streak you might have experienced, it can have a devastating effect on how you approach a … Sport Psychology Article…