Sports Psychology Certification

Sports psychology certification for coaches, therapists, and life coaches to improve performance.

Helping Athletes Apply Mental Game Lessons


Mental Game Coaching Not all athletes follow the mental coaching lessons you teach them… Today tip is based on a question I received from my mental game coach survey and the challenges mental coaches face. Here’s the question: “How do you motivate the athletes you coach to follow through and actually practice what you teach?” Wow! This question … Sport Psychology Article…

Mental Game Lessons from John Wooden

Basketball Confidence

What’s the Most Important Skills for Athletes to Possess? Anthony Robbins sent me an interview he did with the legendary basketball coach John Wooden, who recently passed away at age 99. This was one of the best interviews Wooden gave, according to Robbins. Today, I want to share with you something that Wooden said that I think is profound… … Sport Psychology Article…

Credibility Factors as a Mental Game Coach


Mental Game Coaching Professionals Your credibility as a mental game coach is critical to your coaching success. Many budding mental coaches ask me if having a higher degree, such as a Ph.D. in education or psychology is important to credibility. It’s not as important as you may think, but establishing yourself as a credible mental game coach will … Sport Psychology Article…

Mental Coaches: Why Athletes Assume Focus is to Blame


Mental Game Coaching Professionals Do your athletes assume that their focus is to blame for their mental errors or lack of performance? We know that concentration (or mental focus) is critical for maximum performance. But many of my athletes think lack of focus is to blame for making mental mistakes and not ultimately playing to their potential. Allow … Sport Psychology Article…

Sports Psychology: From Theory to Application

Sports Theory Application

Applying Mental Training Do you have a system for doing mental training with athletes? Do you know what steps to take to have the most impact with your athletes and teams? Honestly, 18 years ago when I finished my Ph.D. in sports psychology I did not have a system to teach athletes the mental game… I didn’t know … Sport Psychology Article…

Fall 2009 Mental Coach Certification Program Details


I have a super quick update about the fall MGCP course starting in October… I’ve had much interest from coaches and other professionals who want to join the fall program. If you want to enroll, please contact me as soon as possible. Early registration ends September 1, 2009 for the Fall course starting in October. Get 10% off … Sport Psychology Article…