Sports Psychology Articles for Athletes and Performers

Sports Psychology and Playing Well in the Big Game

Athletic Focus

What Should You be Focusing on Before a Big Game? Do you or your athletes train year around for a couple big competitions? Do you or your team perform at your peak levels in the big game? Why do some athletes rise to the occasion, whereas others fold under the pressure of big games? Mentally tough athletes raise … Sport Psychology Article…

Mental Toughness Classes For Athletes with Fragile Self-Confidence

Confidence in Sports

How Fragile is Your Confidence? Do you or your athletes enter competition without a full dose of confidence? Does confidence waver easily in the opening moments of competition? As I work more and more with athletes, I realize just how fragile confidence can be for some… One student said: “If I make one or two mistakes in the … Sport Psychology Article…

Sports Psychology: From Theory to Application

Sports Theory Application

Applying Mental Training Do you have a system for doing mental training with athletes? Do you know what steps to take to have the most impact with your athletes and teams? Honestly, 18 years ago when I finished my Ph.D. in sports psychology I did not have a system to teach athletes the mental game… I didn’t know … Sport Psychology Article…

Sports Psychology Myths: Are Athletes Weak If They Resort To Mental Training?

Mental Training

How is Mental Training For Athletes Viewed? Are you or your players afraid other athletes will see you as weak if you have to do mental training or work with a sports psychologist? Still today, athletes buy into myths about sports psychology, which prevent them from embracing the benefits of mental training. I recently received an email from … Sport Psychology Article…

3 Must-Have Keys to Success in Sports (or anything)

Mental Training

The Keys to Success in Sports What are three (must have) keys to success in sports? (1) Good instruction, (2) Practice and repetition, and (3) Trust in your skills. Allow me to explain… I was prompted to write this email after I received an interesting note from a baseball parent. He’s worried that his son can’t remember his … Sport Psychology Article…

How to Play Well When You Feel Uncomfortable


Are You a Perfectionist? Does your performance suffer when you’re not “on,” you feel uncomfortable, or don’t have your “A” game that day? Do you struggle with staying determined and grinding out the competition if your game is off or the competition is too strong? At an extreme level, I work with perfectionists that have trouble staying composed … Sport Psychology Article…